Chapter 5 Flashcards
relatively enduring change in behavior or thinking that results from experiences
Occurs when an organism reduces its response to a recurring stimulus
Classical Conditioning
we associate two different stimuli: for example, the sound of a buzzer and the arrival of food
Operant Conditioning
we make connections between our behaviors and their consequences: for example, through rewards and punishments.
Observational Learning
we learn by watching and imitating other people, establishing a closer link between our behavior and the behavior of others.
Ivan Pavlov
Discovered classical conditioning
Neutral Stimulus
Does not cause an automatic response
Unconditioned Stimulus
Causes unlearned response
Unconditioned Response
Is automatic and is triggered by Unconditioned Stimulus
Conditiones Stimulus
Learned response. Always different from the US.
Conditioned Response
Learned response from pairing with the Unconditioned Stimulus
The initial learning phase in both classical and operant conditioning
Stimulus Generalization
The tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit the conditioned response
Stimulus Descrimination
The ability to differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli sufficiently different from it
In classical conditioning, the process by which the conditioned response decreases after repeated exposure to the conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus; in operant conditioning, the disappearance of a learned behavior through the removal of its reinforcer.