Chapter 5 Flashcards
Alpha - The difference between the actual return on a portfolio and its expected return as outlined by the capital asset pricing model.
Analysis Effect
Analysis Effect - A component of fixed-income attribution analysis that measures the portfolio manager has the ability to invest in securities that are temporarily undervalued.
Asset Allocation
Asset Allocation - The investment decision that involves assigning portfolio weights to each asset. This can be achieved through software programs that minimize risk or through a portfolio manager’s expertise.
Attribution Analysis
Attribution Analysis - An evaluation tool that is used by investors to measure the ability of managers to outperform a benchmark portfolio. There are generally two components that can be attributed to managerial skill: asset selection and asset allocation.
Benchmark Portfolio
Benchmark Portfolio - A portfolio that has similar securities, similar risk characteristics, and similar return expectations as an invested portfolio. It is used as a comparison performance metric. Also called normal portfolio.
Bond Market Line
Bond Market Line - An illustration of the relation between the expected rate of return on a bond portfolio and its duration.
Brinson, Hood, and Beebower
Brinson, Hood, and Beebower - Three investment advisers who co-authored a seminal academic paper on attribution analysis.
Buy and Hold Strategy
Buy and Hold Strategy - A simple investment strategy in which the investor forms a portfolio and holds onto the securities over the investment horizon. There is no rebalancing of security weights when investors pursue this strategy.
Dynamic Asset Allocation
Dynamic Asset Allocation - An investment strategy in which the portfolio weights are constantly being adjusted to reflect changing market conditions and changing asset values.
Enterprise Value Multiple
Enterprise Value Multiple - A relative valuation tool defined as the ratio of a firm’s enterprise value over its earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation.
Eugene Fama
Eugene Fama - A Nobel Prize winning economist who developed the efficient markets hypothesis and the Fama Decomposition.
Fama Decomposition
Fama Decomposition - An attribution analysis tool that identifies a portfolio manager’s ability to use total risk and market timing to outperform a benchmark portfolio.
Harry Markowitz
Harry Markowitz - A Nobel Prize winning economist who developed the efficient frontier and is credited with being the original developer of an optimal portfolio allocation model.
Indexing - A passive investment strategy in which a portfolio is formed that mimics the performance of an index. Indexing is typically accomplished using mutual funds or exchange traded funds.
Jensen’s Alpha
Jensen’s Alpha - An absolute portfolio performance measure defined as the difference between the portfolio’s actual return and its expected return.