Chapter 4.9 - Prepositional Pronouns - SP-EN Flashcards
Marco sale antes de ustedes.
Marco leaves before you all.
Tiene un regalo para ti.
He has a gift for you.
¿Necesitan hablar conmigo?
Do they need to talk to me?
Mauricio quiere ir contigo.
Mauricio wants to go with you.
Conozco a todos, menos tú.
I know everyone except for you.
Todo el mundo respeta a Juan, excepto yo.
Everybody respects Juan except me.
Debemos todos limpiar la casa, incluso tú.
We all have to clean the house, including you.
with you
Quieren ir con nosotros.
They want to go with us.
Es una película terrible, según yo.
It is a terrible movie, according to me.
Necesitan hablar con usted.
They need to talk to you.
Vamos a compartirlo entre tú y yo.
We are going to share it between you and me.
with me
Todo el mundo respeta a Carlos, incluso yo.
Everybody respects Carlos, including me.
Va al concierto sin él.
She is going to the concert without him.
Necesito hablar con todo el mundo aquí, salvo tú.
I need to speak with everybody here, except you.
Para mí, la ciudad es muy interesante.
In my opinion, the city is very interesting.
¿Vas a venir conmigo?
Are you going to come with me?
La tienda está cerca de ellos.
The store is close to them.
Según tú, no es inteligente.
According to you, she is not intelligent.
Entre tú y yo, pienso que él es un poco raro.
Between you and me, I think that he is a little strange.
Todo el grupo está listo, menos yo.
The entire group is ready, except for me.
Salen a cenar sin nosotras.
They go out to dinner without us.
Hay una postal para ustedes.
There is a postcard for you all.
Queremos hacer compras contigo.
We want to go shopping with you.
Todos excepto tú.
Everyone except for you.
Está detrás de ustedes.
It is behind you all.
Está directamente enfrente de ellas.
It is directly in front of them.
Están pensando en ella.
They are thinking of her.
Todos comen tapas, salvo yo.
Everyone eats tapas, except for me.