Chapter 47: Pain Flashcards
Define Pain
Symptom of an underlying problem
Define and explain the pathophysiology of the first stage of pain
- How does tissue injury occur?
Transduction: the stimulus
- Converting painful stimulis to neuronal action potentials at sensory level via nociceptors
- Chemical mediators alter membrane potential of pain receptor
Tissue injury:
- Results in the release of prostaglandins from the breakdown of phospholipids in cell membranes. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the cyclooxygenase enzyme and block the production of prostaglandins.
Define and explain the pathophysiology of the second stage of pain
- What are the specialized sensory fibers used?
- Explain the process transmission
Transmission: the AP transmitted through spinal cord to brain by specialized sensory fibers
Specialized Fibers
- A-beta Fibers: myelinated, 10%, fast, sharp/stinging sensation
- C Fibers: unmyelinated, 90%, slow, dull/aching sensation
Process of Transmission:
- Aδ and C fibers enter the dorsal horn
- Synapse on interneurons
- Cross to the opposite side (travel through 1-8 laminae)
- Travel to the brain in the anterolateral tract
Define and explain the pathophysiology of the third stage of pain
Perception: interpreting the pain - result of neural processing of the pain sensation in the brain
- Influenced by parameters: awareness, emotions, previous experiences, expectations, culture, physical status, etc.
Define and explain the pathophysiology of the fourth stage of pain
- Where does it occur?
Modulation: negative feedback; mechanism whereby synaptic transmission of pain signals are altered by endogenous opioids
- Descending pathways from raphe magnus release neurotransmitters that can inhibit synaptic transmission of pain signals (occurs in substantia gelatinosa by release of norepinephrine)
Define Nociceptors
Free nerve endings that transduce noxious stimuli into AP
What type of fiber is used the initial stage of an injury?
A-beta Fiber
- Acute pain
- Ex. Breaking a bone
What type of fiber is used after the initial stage of an injury
C Fiber
- Healing process
- Not as intense
Explain the gate control theory
- 3 Close / Open Factors
- Importance?
The idea that there is a gate in the back of the spinal cord that will modulate afferent nerve impulses; non-painful stimulus blocks painful stimulus
1) Activity in pain fiber = opens
2) Activity in sensory nerves = closes
3) Messages from brain = concentrate on pain or not thinking about it
- Prevents pain stimulus from reaching CNS
What are the first-order neurons?
- Nociceptive signals are transmitted from the periphery by nociceptive sensory neurons (first-order primary afferent neurons
- The peripheral terminals are clustered with ion channels
- The transduction of external noxious stimuli is initiated by membrane depolarization due to the activation of these ion channels
What are secondary-order neurons?
- Action potentials are conducted along the axons of nociceptive A- and C-fibres, through the cell body in the dorsal root ganglion to the axonal terminals, which form the presynaptic element of central synapses of the sensory pathway in the spinal dorsal horn or hindbrain
- The central terminals of A- and C-fibres synapse with interneurons and second-order nociceptive projection neurons, primarily within the superficial laminae of the spinal dorsal horn
- The axons of second-order nociceptive projection neurons decussate at the spinal cord level, joining the ascending fibres of the anterolateral system, and project to brainstem and thalamic nuclei, transferring information about the intensity and duration of peripheral noxious stimuli
What are the third-order neurons?
- No single brain region is essential for pain, but rather pain results from the activation of a distributed group of structures
- Third-order neurons from the thalamus project to several cortical and subcortical regions that encode sensory-discriminative, emotional, and cognitive aspects of pain
What are the segments of laminae in the dorsal horn?
- 1-3 (substantia gelatinosa) important because where transmission may be interrupted through modulation
- 5 lamina receives info on pain from body surface and internal organs (brain cannot distinguish between the two - referred pain)
- 6-8 laminae receives info originating from internal structure
How does the brain localize pain sensation?
Nociceptors are kept in specific anatomic order in the cord (sensory dermatomes) and somatosensory cortex
- Note: Pain located in the pattern of a dermatome occurs with spinal nerve injury and is referred to as radiculopathy
Define Pain threshold
Level of pain stimulation required to be perceived
- Without this = no pain