Chapter 46: Antibiotics Flashcards
Substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, or protozoans
Antibiotic Agent
Agent kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria
Bacteria are classified as
- Gram + or Gram -
- Shape
- O2 ability
Gram + bacteria
staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus
Gram (+) bacteria (Some babies eat kangaroo pee)
bactericides, escherichia, klebsilla, pseudomonas, salmonella
thrive in an oxygen rich environment
thrive in a non oxygen rich environment
Abx Classes
- Penicillins
- Cephalosporins
- Tetracyclines
- Macrolides
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluroquinolones
- Sulfonamides
- Miscellaneous abx
Action of Abx drugs
affect target organisms structure, metabolism or life cycle
Abx goal
To eliminate pathogen
Kill bacteria
Slow growth of bacteria
What may abx drugs be used for
prophylactic treatment of people with suppressed or compromised immune systems
Abx considerations
finish all abx
do not share
keep away from children
decrease in OCP and use back up BC
what foods to take and what to avoid
wear medic-alert bracelets if allergic
skin teeth tendons ears kidneys
assess renal/hepatic function esp in elderly 2.2lb/day
persistant diarrhea in children
take probiotics 1-2x/day to counter antibiotic
monitor for hypersensitivity with first dose
make sure pt knows S&S of allergic rxn
most abx best taken on empty stomach
Penicillins most effective against
gram positive bacteria
What allows bacteria to be resistant
beta lactamase or penicillinase
Penicillin prototype drug
Penicillin G potassium
Penicillin G MOA
to kill bacteria by disrupting their cell walls
Penicillin G use
Streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, gonorrhoea, syphilis
Penicillin G ADEs
pain at injection site
super infections
drug interactions
Role of nurse in penicillin therapy
assess previous reaction to penicillin
avoid cephalosporins if pt has hx of severe penicillin allergy (cross sensitivity) 5-10%
monitor for hyperkalemia and hypernatremia
monitor cardiac status, including ECG changes
similar in structure and function to penicillin
have beta lacta ring are bactericidal
cephalosporin prototype drug
Cephalosporin MOA
inhibits cell wall synthesis
Cefazolin uses
gram negative organisms
infections of resp, urinary, skin, biliary, bones, joints, genital, septicaemia, endocarditis infections
Cefazolin ADEs
pain at site
drug interactions
Role of nurse is cephalosporin therapy
assess for presence or Hx of bleeding disorders (may reduce prothrombin levels)
assess renal and hepatic function (esp in elderly)
assess persistent diarrhea in children
avoid alcohol (can cause disulfiram rxn)
some of the broadest spectrums of any abx class
large number of resistant bacterial strains
Tetracyclines drug of choice for
Rocky mt spotted fever
chlamydial infections
Tetracycline prototype drug
Tetracycline MOA
inhibit bacterial protein synthesis with bacteriostatic effect
Tetracycline Uses
broad spectrum gram + and gram -