Chapter 4 - Vital Signs Flashcards
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afebrile (uh-FEB-ril)
without fever; the body is normal temperature
antecubital (AN-tih-CYOO-bi-tul) space
thin-walled air sacs of the lungs in which exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes places
antipyetic (AN-tih-pye-REH-tik)
an agent that reduces fever
aorta (ay-OR-tuh)
The major trunk of the arterial system of the body. Aorta arises from the upper surface of the left ventricle
apical-radical pulse
comparison of a person’s apical pulse and radial pulse to determine how well blood is flowing from the heart to the rest of the body
bardycardia (BRAY-dee-CAR-dee-uh)
an abnormally slow heart rate (less than 60 beats per min)
bardypnea (BRAY-dip-NEE-uh)
An abnormal decrease in the respiratory rate of less than 10 respirations per min
A sudden falling of an elevated body temp to normal
cyanosis (sye-an-OH-sus)
A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes between contractions
diastolic (DYE-uh-STOL-ik) pressure
The point of lesser pressure on the arterial wall, which is recorded during diastole
dyspnea (DISP-nee-uh)
Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
dysrhythmia (dis-RITH-mee-uh)
An irregular rhythm; also termed arrhythmia
eupnea (YOOP-nee-uh)
Normal respiration. 16-20 res per min
febrile (FEH-bril)
pertaining to fever
A body temp above normal; synonym for pyrexia