What are the 5 essential casting mechanics?
- Rod tip path during the casting stroke determines shape of loop
- Slack line kept to minimum
- Proper application of Force
- Pause at end of casting stroke must match the length of line
- Casting Arc must match the bend of the rod
ref. CI Study Guide chapter 4
The road loads (bends) when____
it is accelerated against the weight of the line.
ref. CI Study Guide pg.20
What determines the shape of the loop?
The path of the rod tip during casting stroke
ref. CI Study Guide pg.21
The shorter the line the ___ the casting arc
ref. CI Study Guide pg.26
The longer the line the ___ the casting arc
ref. CI Study Guide pg.26
Give 3 examples when you would prefer a wide loop?
- weighted fly
- indicator
- long leader
ref. CI Study Guide pg.30
ref. Fly Fishing Coach International CI Video 17
Give 3 examples when you would prefer a narrow loop?
- distance cast
- windy
- accuracy
ref. CI Study Guide pg.30
ref. Fly Fishing Coach International CI Video 17
Why do you need to pause at the end of the casting stroke?
To allow the line to straighten and remove slack
If you hear a cracking sound like a bull whip it is a sign of what?
Not pausing long enough to allow line to straighten before starting casting stroke
After you stop the rod and the loop is on its way, is the rod loaded or unloaded?
ref. Loop Magazine Summer 2000 “Understanding Some Casting Fundamentals” by Macauley Lord
In one sentence, how does the path of the rod tip affect the size of the loop?
Straight rod tip path narrow loop, domed rod tip path wide loop
In one sentence, how should the caster accelerate the rod to form a narrow loop?
should remain constant throughout the stroke
ref. CI Study Guide pg.18
What is the difference between a cast and a mend?
A cast acts on the line before the loop formation and a mend acts on the fly line after the loop formation.
ref. CI Study Guide
def. Mend – repositioning the fly line <u>after loop formation</u> on a delivery cast
Matching the width of the casting arc to the amount of the bend in the rod does what?
Helps create a straight rod tip path
ref. CI Study Guide pg.26
Which of the Five Essentials is the result of the other four?
Path of the rod tip during the casting stroke determines the shape of the loop
Can you name three sources of slack that are common to fly casting?
- Line not straight prior to cast
- Rod tip too high at start of pick up
- Too long or short of pause
ref. CI Study Guide pg.30
A tailing loop results from the rod tip traveling in a __________ path.
ref. CI Study Guide pg.14
When practicing a 40’ cast with a modern 6-wt graphite rod, a floating line, tapered leader to match, and yarn fly, should you feel the line tug as it turns over at the end of your back cast?
When practicing a 40’ cast, can you name four changes you make to your casting stroke when you change from casting very slowly to casting very fast?
- Widen casting arc because of increased rod bend
- Increase casting stroke length (translation)
- Apply more force
- Shorten pause length?
ref. CI Study Guide pg.42
To get the most from double hauling, must the length of the haul vary with the length of the cast?
ref. Loop Magazine Summer 2000 “Understanding Some Casting Fundamentals” by Macauley Lord
To make a very long cast, should you make a very long haul?
ref. Loop Magazine Summer 2000 “Understanding Some Casting Fundamentals” by Macauley Lord
When double hauling, should the speed of the haul vary with the length of the cast?
Yes. The longer the cast, the longer and faster the stroke, the longer and faster the haul.
ref. Loop Magazine Summer 2000 “Understanding Some Casting Fundamentals” by Macauley Lord