Chapter 4 - Trends Flashcards
Consider the AR(1) model
y_t −μ = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ )+ ε_t, t = 1,2,…,T
When |φ1| < 1 what can you say?
- y_t has an unconditional mean equal to μ for all t.
- The unconditional variance is constant and equal to σ^2/(1 − φ1^1)
- And the autocorrelations of y_t are constant as well.
=> These 3 properties are implied by STATIONARITY.
What does stationarity mean?
Shocks have transitory effects.
B y recursive substitution, rewrite
y_t −μ = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ )+ ε_t, t = 1,2,…,T
bonne chance :)
What does it mean for a time series y to be MEAN-REVERTING?
It means that y_(t+1) is expected to be closer to μ than y_t:
E[yt+1 − μ|Yt] = φ1(yt − μ)
and in fact, for any h>1,
E[yt+h − μ|Y_t] = φ1^h(yt − μ)
which converges to 0 as h increases.
The speed or strength of the mean-reversion depends on the magnitude of φ1.
A “simple” AR(1) model can not capture a trend. Two possibilities to incorporate trends in AR models:
- Insert a deterministic trend.
- Allow for a unit root in the AR-polynomial φ_p(L) to incorporate a stochastic trend.
In the AR(1) case, the 2nd possibility corresponds with φ1 = 1.
What is a deterministic trend in AR models?
with |φ1|<1:
y_t − μ_t = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ_(t-1)) + ε_t,
with μ_t = μ + δt .
=> y_t − μ - δt = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ - δt) + ε_t,
To analyse the properties of y_t (deterministic trend in an AR(1) ), it is useful to define A, and write the model B as C.
The model C has already been seen before! We know that D. And the unconditional mean of y_t is equal to E. The unconditional variance and autocorrelation of y_t are the same as those of F.
a. zt ≡ yt − μ − δt
b. y_t − μ - δt = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ - δt) + ε_t
c. z_t = φ1z_(t−1) + εt
d. E[zt] = 0, V[zt] = σ^2/(1−φ1^2) and ρ_k = φ1^k.
e. E[y_t] = μ + δt.
f. z_t
What does a it mean when y_t goes back to the slope ?
Trend-stationary. => A model with such a trend is called a deterministic trend model.
Derive the 3 cases of a deterministic trend in AR models.
see 17.
Write y_t with a linear trend in terms of past shocks and make a conclusion about transitory.
see 18-19
From the AR(1) model with a linear trend term, derive the case where there is a stochastic trend. [slide 23].
Start with y_t − μ - δt = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ - δt) + ε_t.
stochastic trend implies φ1=1:
=> yt = δ + yt−1 + εt
=> yt = y0 + δt + SUM( εt, 1:t)
We observe the term SUM( εt, 1:t) ==> Stochastic trend. And the deterministic trend δt appears again.
Give some properties of the random walk (with drift)
yt = y0 + δt + SUM( εt, 1:t)
- The unconditional mean E[y_t] = y0 + δt.
- The unconditional variance of y_t increases linearly with time: see slide 12.
- The auto-covariances of y_t increase linearly with time:
γ1,t = E[(yt − E[yt])(y_(t−1) − E[y_(t−1)])] = (t − 1)σ^2
Combining 12 and 13 result in ρ1,t = (t − 1)/t.
In general, we have ρ_(k,t) = (t−k)/t for any k > 0.
A series y_t that can be described by a random walk (with drift):
yt = δ + yt−1 + εt = y0 + δt + SUM( εt, 1:t)
- non-stationarity: shocks have permanent effects and therefore the unconditional mean and variance and autocorrelations are no longer constant over time.
How to distinguish between DT and ST models by looking at a slope?
Important differences between deterministic trend [DT] and stochastic trend [ST] models are:
* The impact of shocks is transitory for the DT model and permanent for the ST model.
* The out-of-sample forecast error variances for the ST model are much larger than those for the DT model (see Section 4.4). Hence, ST data may be more difficult to forecast.
* The statistical properties of ST data differ from those of stationary time series. This makes the analysis of models with so-called ‘unit roots’ more complicated. New asymptotic theory had to be derived.
how is the Dickey-Fuller test constructed?
Idea: try to distinguish between DT and ST models by testing φ1 =1 versus φ1 <1.
For ease of notation, consider the case where μ = δ = 0. The model in (15) can then be rewritten as
∆1yt = ρy_(t−1) + εt, with ρ=(φ1−1). Thus, φ1 =1⇔ρ=0.
Idea (Dickey-Fuller): use t-statistic of ^ρ as test statistic.
H0 : presence of stochastic trend ρ = 0.
see slide 32.
Which deterministic terms to include?
- almost always include an intercept.
- often include a deterministic trend
write the AR(1) model
y_t − μ - δt = φ1(y_(t−1) − μ - δt) + ε_t
with φ1(L).
φ1(L)(yt − μ − δt) = εt, with φ1(L) = 1 − φ1L.
Which link can you make between φ1(L)(yt − μ − δt) = εt and the ST model?
Note that this reduces to the ST model when z = 1 is a solution to the characteristic equation φ1(z) = 1 − φ1z = 0. Hence, we also say that yt contains a unit root.
What holds in general for AR(p) models φ_p(L)(yt − μ − δt) = εt with φ_p(L) = 1−φ1L−···−φpL^p ?
When the characteristic equation φ_p(z) = 0 as a “unit root” solution z = 1, yt has a stochastic trend.