Chapter 4 Timeline and Drill Questions Flashcards
<p>Date of Alaric's sack of Rome</p>
<p>Vandal king who conquered North Africa and Spain:</p>
<p>Roman noble who murdered Valentinian to gain control of Roman throne</p>
<p>Widow of Valentinian who enlisted Vandal aid:</p>
<p>Leader of the tribe that sacked Rome in 455 A.D.</p>
<p>Roman general who fled in shame after Genseric set Roman fleet on fire:</p>
<p>“Never shall I go back to Spain until I am master of Africa.”</p>
<p>The "Scourge of God" and "Fear of the World"</p>
<p>Attila the Hun</p>
<p>Two armies that joined forces to defeat the Huns at Chalons</p>
<p>Romans and Visigoths</p>
<p>Roman general who defeated Attile</p>
<p>General who defeated Attila after the death of his father on the battlefield</p>
<p>Person who persuaded Attila not to attack Rome</p>
<p>Pope Leo I</p>
<p>Barbarian tribe that sacked Rome in 410 A.D.</p>
<p>Leader of the tribe that sacked Rome in 410 A.D.</p>
<p>Roman general who was majory rival of Alaric</p>
<p>to surround with hostile forces</p>
<p>Date of the battle of Chalon</p>
<p>I shall never be defeated in battle as long as I fight with the sword of Tiew</p>