Chapter 4: The principles of justice in a criminal case Flashcards
What are the five kinds of legal aid and who provides them?
- Free legal information [VLA, CLCs]
- Free legal advice [VLA, CLCs]
- Duty lawyer services [VLA, CLCs] – free legal advice and/or representation on day of hearing at Magistrates’ Court
- Grant of legal assistance [VLA] – free legal advice and representation provided by private lawyer who is paid by VLA or in-house VLA lawyer
- Casework and representation services {CLC] - free legal advice and representation provided by in-house CLC lawyer
What are the two requirements that an accused must satisfy to qualify for free legal advice only from a VLA duty lawyer?
- Income test (<$360 net income per week)
- Straight forward charge and likely penalty is low level fine (<$1500)
What are the two requirements that an accused must satisfy to qualify for free legal representation by a VLA duty lawyer?
- Income test: <$360 net income per week
- Significant charge (real risk of imprisonment, CCO or fine ≥ $1,500) or accused is priority client
What are the two requirements that an accused must satisfy to qualify for a VLA grant of legal assistance?
- Means test: <$360 net income per week + net assets < $1095
- Summary offence – State reasonableness test
Indictable offence: Stet interests of justice test (is legal representation necessary for accused to be given a fair trial?)
What percentage of Victorian households are likely to satisfy the means test?
8% (Productivity Commission’s 2014 Access to Justice Arrangements Report)
Identify the three main areas for which victims can be given legal aid
- Victims of violent crime – obtaining financial assistance through the Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme
- Victims of crime - applying to a court for a compensation order (ie. an order requiring an offender to compensate the victim for loss or injury caused by the offender) or a restitution order (eg. an order requiring the offender to return property stolen from the victim)
- Victims of family violence – applying to a court for a family violence intervention order
VLA only provides duty lawyer services and grants of legal assistance for one of these three areas. Which area is this?
Victims of family violence – applying to a court for a family violence intervention order.
CLCs only provide duty lawyer services for one of these three areas. Which area is this?
Victims of family violence – applying to a court for a family violence intervention order.