Chapter 4 The current Ehternet Specification Flashcards
Before the name is resolved , the first thing to do is to ________ on the LAN to get the users ____ ______ so you can communicate to her PC and Resolve the user’s name to an __ ______. p 95
Broadcast, MAC address, IP address.
In a peer to peer network, once the user name is resolved mac and IP addresses both are listed as a ______ address. p 95
Source Address.
If you need to effectively implement, troubleshoot, and maintain an Ethernet network .what layers of the these task. p 95
Data link and Physical Layers.
If there is a collision happening on my Ethernet LAN network, and i cannot send information to the network at this point what should i do. 97
Wait and try again later because of the collision the network .(back-off).
What is a characteristic of a heavy collision network? pg 97
Describe Baseband p 98
this is where all the bandwith of the phisical media is used by one signal
Describe Broadband p 98
This allow us to have both analog voice and digital data carried on the same network cable or physical media