Chapter 4- structure of groups Flashcards
define proper subgroup of G
subgroup not equal to e or G
G-group, N-proper normal subgroup
On can think of G as being decomposed into 2 groups namely ; N and G/N.
Explain this (2-reasons)
In this context, it is natural to expect that the groups which cannot be decomposed in this way are significant.
For example, the order of G is equal to |N||G/N|. Also, these two groups reflect parts of the subgroup structure of G: N con- tains all subgroups of G contained in N, whereas, by the Correspondence Theorem, the subgroups of G/N are in 1-1 correspondence with subgroups of G containing N.
Definition 14.1.
A non-trivial group is said to be simple if…
it has no proper normal subgroups
It’s easy to characterise all ABELIAN simple groups.
Thm 14.2
Let G be an abelian group. Then G is simple if and only if…
G is isomorphic to Zp for a prime number p.
Thm 14.3
The alternating group An is…
simple for every n≥ 5.
Summarised proof: (The real proof is extremely long. Read through at some point.)
Two facts are established about a normal subgroup N of An:
I) If N contains a non-identity permutation, then N contains a 3-cycle.
II) If N contains one three-cycle, then it contains all 3-cycles.
The above statements are proven in reverse order.
For II), let (i j k) ∈ N, and let (p q r) be an arbitrary three-cycle. It is shown that (p q r) ∈ N by first proving that (i j r) ∈ N and then using this to write out (p q r) in terms of (i j r) and replacing variables to obtain (p q r) ∈ N.
For I), let σ ∈ N be a non-identity permutation. We write σ as a product of disjoint cycles and examine five cases to show that N contains a three-cycle in each case:
(1) γ1 has length at least four;
(2) γ1 and γ2 both have length three;
(3) γ1 has length three, and γ2 has length two;
(4) γ1 has length two and r = 2;
(5) γ1 has length two and r > 2.
Since the set of all 3-cycles generates An, it is concluded that if N is non-trivial, then N = An, completing the proof of the theorem.
Another class of simple groups arises from matrix groups. Consider the special liner group SL(m, F), where m ≥ 2 and F is a finite field. The set N=…
The quotient SL(m, F)/N is called…
N = {kI:k∈F,km=1} is easily seen to be a normal subgroup of SL(m, F).
The projective special linear group, and is denoted by PSL(m, F). It turns out that PSL(m, F) is simple.
As indicated in the previous section, if a group G is not simple, it can be ‘decomposed’ into two groups N and G/N, where N is a proper normal subgroup.
Then, if they are not simple, one can ‘decompose’ N and G/N. If G is finite, then this process will eventually stop, and one will obtain a collection of simple groups. So, every finite group is in some sense built of simple groups.
This raises 2 questions:
1.given a finite group G, describe different ways of decomposing G into collections of simple groups.
2. The second question is, given two groups H and K, describe different ways in which one can ‘put them together’ to form a new group which ‘decomposes’ into H and K. This is a much harder question
Def 5.1
A subnormal series of a group G is…..
The factors of this series are…
The length of the series is…
The series is a composition series if…
a chain of subgroups G=G0 ≥G1 ≥G2 ≥…≥Gn such that Gi+1is a normal subgroup of Gi for all i,0≤I<n
the quotients Gi/Gi+1, 0 ≤ i < n.
Gn = {e} and all factors are simple.
Thm 15.2
Every finite group G has…
A composition series
Def 15.4
2 subnormal series G ≥ G1 ≥ G2 ≥ . . . ≥ Gn and G ≥ H1 ≥ H2 ≥ … ≥ Hm of the same group G are said to be equivalent if…
they have equal lengths and there is a one-one correspondence between the factors such that the corresponding factors are isomorphic.
(Following is given with our proof)
Thm 15.5 (Jordan-holder)
If a group has a compositions series then any 2 composition series are equivalent.
In particular any two composition series of a finite group are equiva- lent. Thus a finite group is composed from simple groups, and the ingre- dients are uniquely determined by the group.
Another common idea in group theory is to consider abelian groups as ‘well understood’ (in light of Theorem 13.7, for example), which says…
and then to try to somehow measure how far off a group is from being abelian.
The main tools used in this are..
Every finite abelian group is isomorphic to a direct sum of cyclic groups, each of which has a prime power order.
The centre and derived subgroup.
Definition 16.1.
The centre of a group G is the set
Z(G)={x∈G : xa=ax for all a∈G}. i.e. the set of all elements of G that commute with every element of G.
Theorem 16.2.
Let G be a group. Then (i) Z(G) is a normal subgroup of…
(ii) G is abelian iff Z(G)=G ; (obvious)
Definition 16.4.
Let G be a group. The commutator of two elements a, b ∈ G is the element…
The derived subgroup G′ of G is the subgroup of G…..
[a, b] = a−1 b−1 ab
generated by all commutators, i.e.
G′ = ⟨{[a,b] : a,b ∈ G}⟩.