Chapter 4 stem-change verbs Flashcards
acostar –> acuestar + R
“I tucked my grumpy co-star Lassie into bed and gave her a cup of tea, than I went to bed myself.”
to put to bed; to go to bed
afeitar –> R
“I shaved my feet and underarms”
to shave; to shave oneself
almorzar –> almuerzar
“eating oranges with the stupid Tzar”
to have lunch
to help
bañar –> R
to bathe; to take a bath
casar –> R
“I was married in a cassock because you couldn’t get nylons for love or money back then”
to get married
cerrar –> cierrar
“the lion closed the door with a bang the shook the whole port-a-pottle”
to close
conectar –> R
to connect to
costar –> cuestar
“When my grumpy co-star got up in the morning she went on a shopping spree that cost way too much money”
to cost
decir –> digo, dices, etc.
“he told me the horrible secret in THIS EAR”
to say to tell
to dedicate
“THEY SAY YOU ARE coming to breakfast”
to have breakfast
despertar –> despiertar + R
“waking up in the morning made me so DESPERATE that I wanted to kick myself in the head”
to wake someone up; to wake up
dormir –> duermir (la siesta)
“The DORMOUSE slept like the dead”
to take a nap
dormir –> duermir + R
“The DORMOUSE slept like the dead”
to sleep; to fall asleep
duchar + R
to give a shower to; to take a shower
empezar –> empiezar
“I had empathy for his ridiculous attempts to start writing that paper on the habits of comedic zebras”
to begin, to start
encontrar –> encuentrar
“I ENCOUNTERED the rare animal in the blue room at Versailles, I had finally FOUND the three-footed sassy bird”
to find
Entender –> Entiendo
“I INTENDED to UNDERSTAND everything that the wrinkly sage was trying to tell me”
to understand