Chapter 4: Soil Water Properties Flashcards
Molecules like little magnets, have generally “+” and “-“ charged sides.
Molecules stick slightly to each other
Molecules stick to other charged molecules.
Forces holding or moving water in the soil.
Soil Water Potential
Water held to soil particles by hydrogen bonds.
Matric Potential
Water held to dissolved salts in soil solution.
Solute Potential
Gravity “pulling” water through the soil.
Gravitational Potential
Water that drains “freely” from soil, usually about 3 days after irrigation.
Gravitational Water
Amount of water (usually inches per foot of soil) held by soil after gravitational water drains off.
Field Capacity
Amount of water held in soil when plants are permanently damaged from water stress.
Permanent Wilting Point
Amount of water held in soil between field capacity and permanent wilting point.
Available Water Capacity
Many soils in __________ County are affected by salt.
The more negative the charge, the ____________ the bond.
Clay is a “sponge” because of ____________.
Solute Potential is generally a ________ thing.
Solute Potential is very important to _________________.
All ________ __________ have a lot of oxygen radicals sticking out.
Living Things