Chapter 4 - Sniffing and Evasion (Sniffing) Flashcards
IP Packet header data and uses
source, destination addresses
QoS (Type of Service) field
Fragmentation data (Identification and Fragment Offset fields)
source/destination addresses - obvious
QoS and Fragmentation can be useful for crafting your own fragmented packets
Name for the first half of a MAC address
Organizational Unique Identifier
ARP Commands
arp -a
arp -d *
netsh interface ip delete arpcache
arp -a shows arp cache
arp -d * and netsh command delete the arp cache
Exam tip
IPv6 Loopback address
abbreviate as ::1
Exam tips for IPv6
Loopback address
link-local addressing
abbreviate as ::1
Link Local reserved address block: fe80::/10
unique local address (equivalent of IPv5 private addressing) is in the fc00::/7 block
prefixes for site local addresses always FEC0:/10
IPv6 address types
unicast - works like IPv4
multicast - works like IPv4
anycast - works like multicast but designed to be received and opened by only the closest member of a group, identified in terms of routing distance (hops)
broadcast address in ipv4 no longer used. multicast performs that role
IPv6 scopes for unicast and multicast
scopes define how far the address can go
link local - only hosts on same subnet. defines boundary at local segment. For private addressing only, similar to old 169.254.1-254.0 range
site local - only hosts in same organization (private site addressing). same rules as link-local (not forwarded by a router). Similar to the private Class 10 172 and 192 ranges of IPv4
global - everyone
Lawful Interception
process of legally intercepting communications between 2 or more parties for surveillance on telecommunication, VOIP, data and multi service networks
Active and Passive wiretapping
active interjects something into the communication
passive only monitors and records
Active and Passive sniffing
Active usually means the collision domain you’re on is segmented from those you want to look at. ie you’re on a switch
Passive works only if you’re on the same collision domain as your targets
Span port / port mirroring
switch port that can be configured to send traffic from other ports to it.
Most modern switches don’t allow those ports to transmit, only receive
Content Addressable Memory Table
CAM Table
table in the switch that contains a list of which MAC addresses are on which ports
MAC Flooding
send so many MAC addresses to the CAM table that it can’t keep up and turns into a hub.
Most modern switches are impervious to this
ECC Term “Switch Port Stealing”
a type of MAC Flood but instead of filling the CAM table, you only update information about a specific port, causing a race condition where switch flips back and forth between bad MAC and real MAC
ARP Poisoning aka ARP Spoofing aka gratuitous ARP
maliciously changing ARP cache on a machine to inject faulty entries
not that difficult since ARP works by listening for changes
ARP Poisoning caveats
ARP entries need frequent updating. To maintain control you need to have your entry update before a real one occurs
ARP poisoning attempts can trigger alerts, since it’s a broadcast
speed always win, if a machine arp and attacker gets their first
DHCP Starvation
attacker tries to exhaust all available addresses from the server
more of a DoS type attack
DHCP Starvation
attacker tries to exhaust all available addresses from the server
more of a DoS type attack. Attacker sends unending forged DCHP requests
Tools: Yersinia, DHCPStarv
Mitigation - configure DHCP snooping
DCHP 4 step process
Discover - client broadcasts for DHCP server
Offer - DHCP relay agent replies with offer
Request - client sends request for IP
Acknowledge - server responds with acknowledge and IP info
Exam Tip
Rogue DHCP Server usefulness for attacks
Could allow attacker to redirect communications, either in conjunction with a DHCP starvation attack or not
MAC Spoofing
Attacker on port 3 sends forged packets with victim’s MAC address.
Switch sees victim “moved” to port 3 and sends traffic for victim computer to port 3 attacker
IRDP Spoofing
ICMP Router Discovery Protocol Spoofing
attacker sends spoofed IRDP messages through the network, advertising whatever gateway he wants systems to start routing messages to
Exam Tip
know wireshark filters ( for how to guides, practice caps, videos.
!(arp or icmp or dns)
tcp contains string
ip. addr==
ip. addr== or ip.addr==
!(arp or icmp or dns)
filters out those 3 types of packets
displays all the HTTP GET requests
tcp contains string
displays all tcp segments that contain the word “string”
displays all telnet packets with that IP address
ip.addr== or ip.addr==
shows packets with either IP address
Wireshark operators (conjunctions)
equal to
equal to
&& means packet will only display if BOTH arguments appear
(or) means packet will display if either argument appears