Chapter 4: Relational Databases Flashcards
a set of interrelated, centrally coordinated data files that are stored with as little data redundancy as possible
database management system (DBMS)
the program that manages and controls the data and the interfaces between the data and the application programs that use the data stored in the database
database system
the database, the DBMS, and the application programs that access the database through the DBMS
database administrator
the person responsible for coordinating, controlling, and managing the database
data warehouse
very large databases containing detailed and summarized data for a number of years that are used for analysis rather than transaction processing
business intelligence
analyzing large amounts of data for strategic decision making
online analytical processing (OLAP)
using queries to investigate hypothesized relationships among data
data mining
using sophisticated statistical analysis to “discover” unhypothesized relationships in the data
record layout
document that shows the items storied in a file, including the order and length of the data fields and the type of the data stored
logical view
how people conceptually organize, view, and understand the relationships among data items
physical view
the way data are physically arranged and stored in the computer system
a description of the data elements in a database, the relationships among them, and the logical model used to organize and describe the data
conceptual-level schema
the organization-wide view of the entire database that lists all data elements and the relationships between them
external-level schema
an individual user’s view of portions of a database; also called a subschema
a subset of the schema; the way the user defines the data and the data relationships