Chapter 4- Pilot Flashcards
What is the validity period and renewal process for a pilot licence?
A Pilot Licence shall remain valid for a period of two years beginning from the issue date. The licence shall expire after midnight of the expiry day or when the medical fitness certificate expires, whichever comes first. Security clearance is required for licence renewal.
What are the Conditions for flying for a licensed pilot
A licensed pilot shall not conduct a flight except in accordance with the following conditions:
1. He/she is a member of the flying club. Flying clubs may authorise non-member pilots to conduct flying activities
for a non-renewable period not exceeding 30 days per year provided that the pilot holds a security clearance
and a licence recognised by the Competent Authority;
2. He/she adheres to the rules, regulations and safety and security procedures established by the flying club;
3. He/she carries out take-offs or landings only in the designated and approved take-off/landing areas for LSA.
4. He/she ensures suitability of the area, weather conditions and any other factors affecting flight operation;
5. Where he/ She has not conducted flying activities for more than 90 days from the date of last take-off and
landing, he/she shall carry out 3 take-offs and landings supervised by an Instructor or an Examiner on the same
category and type of the aircraft for which he is licensed.
6. He/she is not permitted to carry occupants unless he/she has completed a minimum of 10 flying hours solo.
What are the privileges of a licensed pilot?
- Fly LSA registered in the UAE solo or with on occupant
- Rent an aircraft of the same type and category for which he is approved for the purpose of conducting light sport aviation activities only
What are prohibited acts by a licensed pilot?
A Licensed Pilot shall not:
1. Fly during night time;
2. Fly in controlled airspaces;
3. Fly outside the designated approved flying zones for the Club;
4. Fly under IFR conditions,
5. Fly at altitudes of more than 10,000 feet above sea level;
6. Fly without visible reference with the ground;
7. Notwithstanding ARTICLE 27 paragraph 2, it is not permissible to fly own aircraft for remuneration or
commercial purposes;
8. Violate the rules specified in the applicable AIP;
9. Use the aircraft in towing operation unless the Competent Authority requirements are met;
10. Fly outside the territory of the State except with a prior permission from the competent authority and the
concerned authority. Such permission shall be processed through the Flying Club.
What are prohibited operations during the conduct of Light Sport Aviation Activities?
The following practices and activities shall be prohibited during conduct of light sport aviation activities:
1. Acts that may endanger persons or properties;
2. Dropping of objects , or equipping aircraft with camera or any other image capturing or filming devices
without prior written permission of the Competent Authority and in coordination with the concerned
3. conducting LSA dangerous maneuvers and aerial displays that are beyond the aircraft design limitations as
specified in the manual;
4. performing formation flights unless the specific requirements set by the Competent Authority are met;
5. conducting flights over populated areas, or other areas where celebrations or public activities are taking
6. conducting flights in dangerous or restricted areas unless permitted by the appropriate ATS unit(s) and the
Competent Authority; and
7. conducting flights in prohibited areas specified in the AIP.