Chapter 4: motivation and affect Flashcards
motivation is
gap of your ideal (where you want to be ) vs present state (where you are)
- gap leads to tension/ dissonance and we are driven to lower this gap
consumption specific needs
need for affiliation
need for power
need for uniqueness
consumer are motivated to satisfy either—- need
utilitarian needs (practical needs or functional) or
* tangible attributes of products
* ex: KM of gas, amount of fat, calories,
hedonic needs (emotional)
* relies on subjectivity and intangible details
* as the amount of stuff that people accumulate goes up individuals want consumption experiences that give hedonic value
do we all have the same needs?
o Way need is satisfied is based on unique history of individual and culture
is the manifestation of a need
motivational theories
drive theory
want to get away from unpleasant state by restoring balance
Focuses on biological needs that produce state of arousal
Ex: stomach grumbling
o Individuals are driven to reduce the tension caused by this physiological arousal
o Homeostasis
: body goal to return to a balanced state
o Behaviours that are successful in reducing the drive will tend to be repeated
Ex: eat chips too fast and get indigestion will not repeat this action
o Issues
Does not explain some human behaviour
Ex: going for a fancy dinner later will not eat earlier even if it you are hungry now
expectancy theory
thought are behind behaviour
: behaviour is largely shaped by expectations of achieving desirable outcomes rather then pushed from within
o Cognitive factors
o People choose one consumption over another because they choose one with more positive consequences
o Positive consequences could include money or social status
Ex: buy Rolex because the watch is a status symbol
what is constant if your drive or expectancy theory
individuals motives will have both strength an direction
motivational strength
Degree which a person is willing to expend energy to reach one goal as opposed to another
Motivation depends on distance between present data and goal
* Ex: more motivated to eat if have not in 24 hours vs 2 hours
motivational direction
Sense they are targeted toward some specific goal that is desired to satisfy a need
Most goals can be reached by a number of routes
Goal has valence which can be + or –
+ goal is one toward the consumption experience
- goal as sometimes consumers are motivated to avoid a negative outcome
* Ex; common is social rejection which mouthwash and deodorant rely on
ability to act in long term best interest in way consistent with deepest values
motivational conflicts
Approach-approach conflict
- Must choose between two desirable alternatives
- Ex: going home for the holidays or going on vacation with friends
- Both are positive but decision is made based on which goal the individual is most motivated toward
Approach-Avoidance conflict
- Many consumption experiences we engage in have negative consequences attached to them and positive consequences
- Ex; Accept dream job but get paid less
- Solution is to make the bad thing appear not so bad such as electric cars or weight watchers snacks
Avoidance-avoidance conflict
- 2 undesirable alternatives
- Marketers need to address this conflict giving unseen benefits of choosing one
- Ex: buying new car or putting more money in old car when saving money
o Could emphasize special credit plans to ease paying of new car payment
- Theory of cognitive dissonance
o :people have need for consistency in their lives and that a state of tension is related when beliefs or behaviour conflicts with one another which can be solved by eliminating unpleasant tension
o Ex: animal lover but enjoys meet (2 belief that conflict) could try to satisfy one or buy meat that is humanely raised