Chapter 4 Material Flashcards
When a specific stimulus causes a specific reflex response, it elicits the behavior (i.e. me falling forward elicits my hand to extend in front of me to break my fall)
Gradual reduction in response following repeated presentation of an elicited stimulus
Behavior caused by a stimulus that isn’t elicited/naturally reflexive (i.e learned behavior from conditions is evoked)
Neutral Stimulus
A stimulus that does not cause the response of interest
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A stimulus that elicits a response without any prior learning
Unconditioned Response (UR)
The response reliably elicited by the US
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
A formerly neutral stimulus that now evokes a conditioned response. Referred to as “conditioned” because the ability of the stimulus to evoke the response requires new learning
Conditioned Response (CR)
The response evoked by the CS. Not always, but most of the time is the same as the UR.
The CS signals a ____ reduction to the US.
Delay Reduction
The time it takes before the CS event is about to occur is less then it was when the event was an US (soldier experiencing deadly event every month vs in two seconds)
The CS signals when the ___ is coming
CS signals ___ US is coming
Four Principles that Increase Efficacy of Pavlovian Conditioning
- Use an important US
- Use a salient CS
- Use a CS that signals a large delay reduction to the US
4.Make sure the CS is not redundant
What is an example of an important US?
Food, beverages, life threatening events, life necessities
Why is it important to use a salient CS?
Pavlovian conditioning won’t work if the neutral stimulus is unnoticeable. The CS should be noticeable, new, and unexpected to ensure that the individual takes into account the neutral stimulus every time before the US
What are the steps to measuring the delay reduction ratio?
- Determine the average time between US events (average time between food deliveries is 60 seconds)
2.Measure the CS-US interval (a light is flicked and food delivery occurs 1 second after) - Enter these two values into a delay-reduction ration (60 seconds / 1 second)
Delay Reduction Ratio
Average US interval / CS - US interval. The larger the outcome, the more effective the delay reduction.
Blocking Effect
When a second CS occurs at the same time as the initial CS with intentions to produce the same CR. In reality the CS does not produce any effect
Conditioned response to a novel stimulus that resembles the CS (Little Albert became afraid of things that resembled white rats such as rabbits, white dogs, fur coats)
Only the CS evokes the CR effectively. All other stimulus that closely resemble the CS are largely ineffective
The CS evokes the CR effectively but so does any other stimulus that closely resembles the CS
Pavlovian Extinction
The procedure of repeatedly presenting the CS without the US. The effect of which is a reduction or elimination of the CS’s ability to evoke the CR
Graduated Exposure Therapy
Patients are gradually exposed to successively stronger approximations of the CS. Before each new CS-approximation is presented, steps are taken to reduce/eliminate any fear evoked by the prior CS-approximation
Spontaneous Recovery
Increase in conditioned responding following Pavlovian Extinction
Important Factors About Spontaneous Recovery…
- The more time that passes between extinction sessions, the more spontaneous recovery will occur
- Spontaneous recovery decrease as more pavlovian extinction sessions are conducted
- Less spontaneous recovery will occur if each pavlovian extinction session is continued until the CS no longer evokes the CR