Chapter 4: Market Forces Of Supply And Demand Flashcards
2 important words in economics
Supply and demand
Group of buyers and sellers of a particular good / service
Buyers as a group determine the ____ for a product
Sellers as a group determine the ______ of product
Buyers = demand Sellers = supply
Competitive market
Market with many buyers and sellers that one person doesn’t affect the market
If I stop going to 7-11 it won’t shut down or change its price
All markets we look at will be ____________
Perfect competitive
Quantity demanded
Amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase
Law of demand
When prices go up, demand goes down
When prices go down, demand goes up
We all want a tv for cheap!!
Demand schedule is a _____ that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
A demand curve shows the relationship in _____ form
Market demand
The sum of all the individual demand for a particular good / service
Increase in demand = a shift to the ______
A decrease in demand = a shift to the ______
Normal good
An increase of income = an increase in demand
Chocolate bars, clothes,
Inferior goods
An increase in income = decrease in demand
More money = less buying of fake brands
Things that shift the demand curve
1) income
2) price of related goods (is coffee cheaper than red bull?)
3) tastes (whats today’s fad?)
4) expectations (prices go up in future, buy now)
5) number of buyers
Coffee to red bull
Buying more of one leads to less of the other
Things bought together
Fries and burgers, buns and hotdogs
Quantity supplied
Amount of a good that sellers are willing and able to sell at
Law of supply
The quantity supplied goes up when prices of the item goes up
Supply schedule:
Supply curve:
Table (price of good and quantity supplied)
Graph (price of good and quantity supplied)
Market supply
Sum of suppliers of all sellers
Shift to the right =
Shift to the left =
Increase in supply
Decrease in supply
4 factors that affect the supply curve
Input prices: price of attenas increases, less supply
Technology: + tech = more supplies
Expectations = price higher in future? Less supply
Number of sellers = more supplies
Where quantity = price and vice versa
Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded
Quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied