Chapter 4: Managing Marketing Information — to Gain Customer Insights Flashcards
Explain the importance of gaining insights about the marketplace and customers.
By having insights, marketers will be able to make better decisions that will better create customer satisfaction, and in the end build sustainable customer relationships.
More or better information?
Marketers want better informations.
What should marketing managers always have in mind when considering research.
It’s validity, reliability and representativeness.
Also, they need to weigh the cost and the benefits from it.
Elaborate on customer insights.
Customer insights is the fresh understandings of customers and the marketplace derived from marketing information. It is the basis for creating customer value & relationships.
What are the three things that MIS helps managers do?
1) Assess the information needs
2) Develop needed information
3) Analyze and use information
What are the three main parts in developing needed information (MIS)?
Internal databases, marketing intelligence and marketing research.
Elaborate on internal databases.
Internal databases are electronic collections of consumer and market information from data sources within the company network. It is accessed more quickly and cheaply, but it ages rapidly and may be incomplete.
Elaborate on marketing intelligence.
Marketing intelligence is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information. For example, annual reports from the competition, consumer blogs.
Discuss dumpster driving.
Dumpster diving is the act of going through discarded sensitive information providing insights. It is legal, but considered to be unethical; classified as marketing intelligence
Elaborate on marketing research.
Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation. It involves four steps:
1) defining the problem and research objectives
2) developing the research plan for collecting information
3) implementing the research plan and - collecting and analyzing the data
4) interpreting and reporting the findings
Discuss the three types of research objectives.
The three types of research are
1) exploratory research = to gather preliminary information to help define the problem and suggest hypotheses; discovery of ideas and insights; ambiguous problem; e.g. expert surveys, case studies
2) descriptive research = to generate information to describe market characteristics or functions; to explain an individual, group or situation; somewhat defined problem; e.g. surveys, panels
3) causal research = to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships
Outline the research plan for a marketing research.
The research plan outlines 1) sources of existing data 2) specific research approaches 3) contact methods 4) sampling plans 5) instruments for data collection
Elaborate on sources of existing data (research plan).
Sources of existing data is classified into 2 types:
1) primary data - information collected for the specific purpose at hand
2) secondary data - existing data having been collected for another purpose; quicker and lower cost/desired information may not exist e.g. internal databases, government sources
Elaborate on research approach (research plan).
Research approach can be classified mainly into 3 types:
1) Observational research - get information people are unwilling or unable to provide/observing feelings, attitudes can be hard; ethnographic -> become the people
2) Survey research - most widely used; best for descriptive information
3) Experimental research -> best for causal relationships
Elaborate on contact methods (research plan).
Contact methods include mail surveys, telephone surveys, interviews (personal + group) and online.
Mail surveys -> lots of info, more truthful, better validity/not flexible, low response rate (offer incentives), little control over sample
Telephone surveys -> gather fast, can skip or explain Qs, strong sample control/higher cost, interviewer bias, limited quantity of data, low response rate
Interview -> highly flexible, lots of info, good control of sample, speed, response/high costs, lots of interviewer bias
Online -> fastest, lowest cost, good flexibility + response rate/somewhat interviewer bias, lack the real world dynamic