Chapter 4 - La Familia Flashcards
el sobrino / la sobrina
nephew / niece
the boyfriend / girlfriend; fiancé(e)
el novio/ la novia
el divorcio
the divorce
to punish
el bisabuelo / la bisabuela
the great-grandfather; the great-grandmother
the blood
la sangre
the parents
los padres
el abuelo / la abuela
grandfather/ grandmother
the divorce
el divorcio
el yerno
the son-in-law
to divorce
divorciarse de
the daughter-in-law
la nuera
el hermano / la hermana
the brother / sister
divorciarse de
to divorce
la crianza
the childrearing
the matrimony; married couple
el matrimonio
el nieto / la nieta
the grandson / granddaughter
to hit
enamorarse (de)
to fall in love (with)
to hit
the great-grandfather; the great-grandmother
el bisabuelo / la bisabuela
the husband / the wife; the spouse
el esposo / la esposa
the grandson / granddaughter
el nieto / la nieta
to indulge, spoil (a person)
to indulge, spoil (a person)
casarse con
to marry
el bisnieto / la bisnieta
the great-grandson; the great-granddaughter
to discipline
the widower/ widow
el viudo / la viuda
la sangre
the blood
to behave/ misbehave
portarse bien/mal
the affection
el cariño
the son-in-law
el yerno
to fall in love (with)
enamorarse (de)
el marido
the husband