Chapter 4 Key Terms Flashcards
What is Bicameral
Having two branches or chambers
What is the House of Representatives
meant to be the representation of the people of a state with 435 members
The Senate is the representation of the states with each state getting two members with the Senate containing 100 total members
Seventeenth Amendment
Allows for the people of the state to directly elect their senators passes in 1913
Advice and Consent
this power allows the Senators to recommend or reject major presidential appointees
An alliance for combined action
Power of the Purse
Allows Congress to determine how much funding an organization gets
political groups that unite around a common interest, belief, or concern
enumerated powers
Listed in Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution these powers allow for the creation of public policy - the laws that govern the US
Implied powers
powers that aren’t specifically given to Congress in the Constitution but powers that are implied for Congress to have
Necessary and proper clause
this gives Congress the power to create any and all that are deemed necessary and proper for the powers to work
War power act(1973)
48 hours after the president makes an act of war he must tell Congress and they have at most 100 days to decide if they fund it
cloture rule
omnibus bill