Chapter 4 - Grouping objects Flashcards
2 points on its usage are:
* you may not remove or add elements while this is iterating a collection. however, we may change the state of an object
* the proper use of this is always with definite iteration. in general we should not be breaking out of this early
give to points to keep in mind when using a for-each loop
this is used to add elements to the ArrayList
describe the ArrayList method
these include:
1. hasNext()
2. next()
3. remove()
name 3 methods that an iterator will hold
this is an object that stores a grouping of object references
what is a
this exception may be seen when we try and modify a collection while it is being iterated. such as when using a for-each loop
when might we see the fllowing exception
when might we see the exception
this exception might be seen if we tried to call a method on a variable that has not been initialised with an object
when this is not initialised the default value it will be given is null
if we declare an object field but do not initialise it within the constructor what value will it be given by default
- this is a reserved java keyword
- it essentially means: no object or empty
describe the keyword
describe the string method
this method appends (concatenate) a string to the end of another string.
how can we start using an
**iterator object **
in our program
to begin using this we must import the iterator class that is part of the java standard library using:
Import java.util.Iterator;
declarationIterator<ElementTypeInCollection> it;
initialisationit = collection.iterator();
equivalentIterator<ElementTypeInCollection> it = collection.iterator();
give psuedocode that
declares and initialise an iterator object
what is a
this is an object that stores a grouping of object references
if we declare an object field but do not initialise it within the constructor what value will it be given by default
when this is not initialised the default value it will be given is null
what will the
iterator() methodof collections return
this will retuen an iterator object for that collection
this is the combination of a generic type and a generic type parameter to create a new type
what is a
specific type
how is the
diamond notation
this will either:
* hold a generic type parameter
* or be left empty if we have already declared the type parameter
what is a
generic class also referred to as
this is also referred to as a
parameterized type
because it receives a type as a parameter when it is declared.
the syntax for this is:
do { // code block to be executed} while (condition);
what is the syntax for the
do-while loop
what are
generic type parameters
Atypegiven betweenangle bracketsto make ageneric typespecific.
how does the
for-each loop get its name
this gets its name from the way it is read:
For each element in collection do{
loop body
what code can be used as validation which
ensures we do not recieve an IndexOutOfBoundsException
what does the following validation code ensure:
If(index >=0 && index < collection.size()) { We have a valid index }
- this involves an indefinite number of iterations
- this implies that a while loop would be better suited than a for-each loop
give two properties of searching a collection
when using an iterator do we require our own index value
when iterating a collection using this it will itself keep track of where it is and so using our own index is unnecessary
what are the two outcomes of searching a collection and how might we express this in code
the two outcomes of this are:
* The search succeeds after an indefinte number of iterations
* The search fails after the collection has been exhausted
both must be taken into account during the search and so the code may look as follows
Int index = 0 Boolean searching = True; While(searching && index < file.size())
the syntax for this is
@param string2 the string to append to the first string
what is the syntax for the string method
this will remove the element it last passed
describe the iterator method
what two things must be specified when declaring a collection
when declaring this we must specify:
1.The type of the collection (I.e ArrayList)
2.The type of the elements that will be stored in the collection (generic type parameter)
this is an object that allows us to iterate over different types of collections
what is an
definite iteration
this is when we know beforehand how many iterations will occur.
for-each loops are a perfect application for this type of iteration as we know it will iterate as many times as the size of a collection
when iterating a collection using this it will itself keep track of where it is and so using our own index is unnecessary
when using an iterator do we require our own index value
this can be a more concise way to write code. and invloves a method returning an anonymous object that can be used by the next method call
String A = Method1()
String B = A.Method2()
String C = B.Method3()
String c = method1().method2().method3()
Here each method returns an anonymous object instead of the first method where we used a reference for each returned object
chaining methods
write a method that returns the parameterized type ArrayList<String>
which will hold the first two objects from the collection named library
the code to achieve this is:
public ArrayList<String> firstTwo(){ ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add(library.get(0)); temp.add(library.get(1)); return temp; }
this gets its name from the way it is read:
For each element in collection do{
loop body
how does the
for-each loop get its name
when might we see the fllowing exception
this exception may be seen when we try and modify a collection while it is being iterated. such as when using a for-each loop
what is the wording if we have the following
1.Collection = ArrayList
2.Objects / Elements it will hold = String
this can be read as
an “ArrayList of String”
this will return the next element of the collection and then move past it
describe the iterator method
what does the following validation code ensure:
If(index >=0 && index < collection.size()) { We have a valid index }
what code can be used as validation which
ensures we do not recieve an IndexOutOfBoundsException
this can be achieved using:
declarationArrayList<String> someString;
initialisationsomeString = new ArrayList<>();
(la) 1. declare anArrayListof some type of element
2. then initialise anArrayListusing the diamond notation
what check can be made to avoid
null errors
to avoid these use a check such as:If (var == null)
(la) 1. declare anArrayListof some type of element
2. then initialise anArrayListusing the diamond notation
this can be achieved using:
declarationArrayList<String> someString;
initialisationsomeString = new ArrayList<>();
why do we not require our own index when using an iterator
this is not required because the iterator is itself aware and keeping track of its position within a collection
describe the
do-while loop
and how it operates
this is a variant of the while loop and operates as follows:
1. It will first execute a block of code (do)
2. Then it will check if a condition is true (while)
3. If the condition is true it will again execute the do block of code
4. This continues until the condition is false
these include:
* .add(object)
* .get(index)
* .remove(index)
* .size()
name 4 methods of the ArrayList
Boolean searching = True; While(searching)
Boolean found = False; While(!found)
both are equivalent but they are expressed differently and is something that must be kept in mind for readability of the problem
give examples of positive and negative boolean expressions
this is considered incomplete because for it to function it must be passed a second type as a parameter
providing a second type will complete this
why is a generic type class considered incomplete and how would we complete it
describe the ArrayList method
this is used to access an element in the ArrayList
what is an important note concerning iterating a collection using an iterator
an important note when performing this is:
that all interaction with the collection is done using the iterator we never directly access the collection
what exception will be shown if we try and
access an index of a collection that is equal to or greater than its size
in this case we will see the exception:
to avoid these use a check such as:If (var == null)
what check can be made to avoid
null errors
what is
garbage collection
this is a runtime system that reclaims memory from objects that have no references to them (anonymous objects)
describe the keyword
- this is a reserved java keyword
- it essentially means: no object or empty
this is not required because the iterator is itself aware and keeping track of its position within a collection
why do we not require our own index when using an iterator
give examples of positive and negative boolean expressions
Boolean searching = True; While(searching)
Boolean found = False; While(!found)
both are equivalent but they are expressed differently and is something that must be kept in mind for readability of the problem
this is a class that does not define a single type but can be many types.
this is because it is actually composed of two types being:
1. itself
2. and a second type we provide it
when a generic type is declared and given a second type, the combination makes a new type
we then refer to this as a specific type
what is a generic class
this is used to removes an element from the given index
describe the ArrayList method
what is the
syntax of the for-each loop
syntax is:
For (ElementType element : collection) {
Loop body
example is:
For (String fileName : files) {
this is a variant of the while loop and operates as follows:
1. It will first execute a block of code (do)
2. Then it will check if a condition is true (while)
3. If the condition is true it will again execute the do block of code
4. This continues until the condition is false
describe the
do-while loop
and how it operates
this will return the number of elements in the ArrayList
describe the ArrayList method
describe how an iterator positions itself within a collection and give three points concerning
1. where it starts
2. how it moves to the next element
3. what happens when we ask the iterator to remove an element from the collection
1.It sets itself before the first element
2.When next() is called it returns the element in front of it then moves past it but stays before the second element
3.If we told this to remove an item it would remove the item it last passed
how can we use an ArrayList
this is not strictly part of java but is included in the java standard library so to use it we must import it using:
import java.util.ArrayList;
in this case we will see the exception:
what exception will be shown if we try and
access an index of a collection that is equal to or greater than its size
this is a runtime system that reclaims memory from objects that have no references to them (anonymous objects)
what is
garbage collection
1.It sets itself before the first element
2.When next() is called it returns the element in front of it then moves past it but stays before the second element
3.If we told this to remove an item it would remove the item it last passed
describe how an iterator positions itself within a collection and give three points concerning
1. where it starts
2. how it moves to the next element
3. what happens when we ask the iterator to remove an element from the collection
describe the ArrayList method
this is used to add elements to the ArrayList
to begin using this we must import the iterator class that is part of the java standard library using:
Import java.util.Iterator;
how can we start using an
**iterator object **
in our program
describe the iterator method
this will return the next element of the collection and then move past it
are the following two fields the same type, explain the answer
Private ArrayList<Person> members; Private ArrayList<TicketMachine> machines;
these are not the same type:
1. they are composed of the same generic type (ArrayList)
2. but the generic type paramaters are differrent and so we have created two different specific types
this is when we are uncertain about how many iterations will happen. while loops are suited to this type of iteration as we can base the iteration on a condition
indefinite iteration
describe the ArrayList method
this is used to removes an element from the given index
ArrayList includes this because it is a general purpose class or “generic type” this means it is not restricted in what types it can store but we must include the type via this
why does
ArrayList include a generic type parameter
(la) use animportstatement to gain access to a library class
This can be achieved using the keyword “import” followed by the qualified name of the package
This can be achieved using the keyword “import” followed by the qualified name of the package
(la) use animportstatement to gain access to a library class
the syntax for this is:
while(booleanCondition) { Loop body }
what is the
syntax of a while loop
the purpose of this is so that we can iterate over a collection and perform actions on every element inside the collection
describe the purpose of the
for-each loop
chaining methods
this can be a more concise way to write code. and invloves a method returning an anonymous object that can be used by the next method call
String A = Method1()
String B = A.Method2()
String C = B.Method3()
String c = method1().method2().method3()
Here each method returns an anonymous object instead of the first method where we used a reference for each returned object
what is the naming convention when using a getter method to get a boolean value
the convention for this is to prepend the word “is” to the methods name
Atypegiven betweenangle bracketsto make ageneric typespecific.
what are
generic type parameters
an important note when performing this is:
that all interaction with the collection is done using the iterator we never directly access the collection
what is an important note concerning iterating a collection using an iterator
give psuedocode that
declares and initialise an iterator object
declarationIterator<ElementTypeInCollection> it;
initialisationit = collection.iterator();
equivalentIterator<ElementTypeInCollection> it = collection.iterator();
this is when we know beforehand how many iterations will occur.
for-each loops are a perfect application for this type of iteration as we know it will iterate as many times as the size of a collection
definite iteration
this is also referred to as a
parameterized type
because it receives a type as a parameter when it is declared.
what is a
generic class also referred to as
why is a generic type class considered incomplete and how would we complete it
this is considered incomplete because for it to function it must be passed a second type as a parameter
providing a second type will complete this
this can be read as
an “ArrayList of String”
what is the wording if we have the following
1.Collection = ArrayList
2.Objects / Elements it will hold = String
give two properties of searching a collection
- this involves an indefinite number of iterations
- this implies that a while loop would be better suited than a for-each loop
describe the iterator method
this will check whether the collection has a next element
note: important to use this before moving to the next element
(la) explain the purpose of a collection
the purpose of this is to hold many references to objects
an iterator has been initialised with the identifier “it”
use it to iterate the collection it is from using a while loop
note: in pseudocode
this can be achieved using:
While (it.hasNext()) { Call to get the next element and hold it in variable Do something to that element }
indefinite iteration
this is when we are uncertain about how many iterations will happen. while loops are suited to this type of iteration as we can base the iteration on a condition
describe the iterator method
this will remove the element it last passed
the code to achieve this is:
public ArrayList<String> firstTwo(){ ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add(library.get(0)); temp.add(library.get(1)); return temp; }
write a method that returns the parameterized type ArrayList<String>
which will hold the first two objects from the collection named library
what is a
specific type
this is the combination of a generic type and a generic type parameter to create a new type
when declaring this we must specify:
1.The type of the collection (I.e ArrayList)
2.The type of the elements that will be stored in the collection (generic type parameter)
what two things must be specified when declaring a collection
what is the syntax for the string method
the syntax for this is
@param string2 the string to append to the first string
these include:
* A while loop does not have to be tied to a collection (we can loop on any condition as long as we can create a boolean expression)
* If we are using a while loop to iterate a collection we can abort early in an elegant way
name 2
benefits the while loop has over the for-each loop
syntax is:
For (ElementType element : collection) {
Loop body
example is:
For (String fileName : files) {
what is the
syntax of the for-each loop
these are not the same type:
1. they are composed of the same generic type (ArrayList)
2. but the generic type paramaters are differrent and so we have created two different specific types
are the following two fields the same type, explain the answer
Private ArrayList<Person> members; Private ArrayList<TicketMachine> machines;
describe the purpose of the
for-each loop
the purpose of this is so that we can iterate over a collection and perform actions on every element inside the collection
these include:
1.Ordered - meaning the objects can be accessed by using the position they are placed in
2.all elements are of same type - all items (elements) stored in this collection object will be of the same type
3.Infinite capacity - many elements can be added without a limit (except the hardware itself)
give three
properties of ArrayList
give three
properties of ArrayList
these include:
1.Ordered - meaning the objects can be accessed by using the position they are placed in
2.all elements are of same type - all items (elements) stored in this collection object will be of the same type
3.Infinite capacity - many elements can be added without a limit (except the hardware itself)
why does
ArrayList include a generic type parameter
ArrayList includes this because it is a general purpose class or “generic type” this means it is not restricted in what types it can store but we must include the type via this
the convention for this is to prepend the word “is” to the methods name
what is the naming convention when using a getter method to get a boolean value
(la) understand how a generic type relates to a specific type and a generic type parameter
- A generic type is a class that requires a type as a parameter.
- When the type is passed to it it becomes a specific type.
- We pass the type to the generic type within angle brackets known as diamond notation.
- What is passed inside the angle brackets is known as the generic type parameter
this will retuen an iterator object for that collection
what will the
iterator() methodof collections return
this is used to access an element in the ArrayList
describe the ArrayList method
this method appends (concatenate) a string to the end of another string.
describe the string method
give two benefits that give an iterator its power and usefullness
these include:
1. While we can iterate an array list using our own index there are other collections where providing our own index is either impossible or inefficient this is where the power of the iterator comes into play
2.Using an iterator allows us to safely remove elements from a collection while we iterate it. A for-each loop would throw an error if we used a collections remove method this is not the case when we use an iterator to do the removal for us
this is not strictly part of java but is included in the java standard library so to use it we must import it using:
import java.util.ArrayList;
how can we use an ArrayList
- A generic type is a class that requires a type as a parameter.
- When the type is passed to it it becomes a specific type.
- We pass the type to the generic type within angle brackets known as diamond notation.
- What is passed inside the angle brackets is known as the generic type parameter
(la) understand how a generic type relates to a specific type and a generic type parameter
this can be achieved using:
While (it.hasNext()) { Call to get the next element and hold it in variable Do something to that element }
an iterator has been initialised with the identifier “it”
use it to iterate the collection it is from using a while loop
note: in pseudocode
what is the syntax for the
do-while loop
the syntax for this is:
do { // code block to be executed} while (condition);
this will either:
* hold a generic type parameter
* or be left empty if we have already declared the type parameter
how is the
diamond notation
what is an
this is an object that allows us to iterate over different types of collections
these are libraries that come with a programming language and contain hundreds or thousands of classes that have become useful to the language. In Java these classes are contained in what are called packages and are used in the same way we would use our own classes
what are
class libraries
name 2
benefits the while loop has over the for-each loop
these include:
* A while loop does not have to be tied to a collection (we can loop on any condition as long as we can create a boolean expression)
* If we are using a while loop to iterate a collection we can abort early in an elegant way
the purpose of this is to hold many references to objects
(la) explain the purpose of a collection
give to points to keep in mind when using a for-each loop
2 points on its usage are:
* you may not remove or add elements while this is iterating a collection. however, we may change the state of an object
* the proper use of this is always with definite iteration. in general we should not be breaking out of this early
what is the
syntax of a while loop
the syntax for this is:
while(booleanCondition) { Loop body }
what is a generic class
this is a class that does not define a single type but can be many types.
this is because it is actually composed of two types being:
1. itself
2. and a second type we provide it
when a generic type is declared and given a second type, the combination makes a new type
we then refer to this as a specific type
describe the ArrayList method
this will return the number of elements in the ArrayList
this will return the character at the specified index of the string
describe the
this exception might be seen if we tried to call a method on a variable that has not been initialised with an object
when might we see the exception
these include:
1. While we can iterate an array list using our own index there are other collections where providing our own index is either impossible or inefficient this is where the power of the iterator comes into play
2.Using an iterator allows us to safely remove elements from a collection while we iterate it. A for-each loop would throw an error if we used a collections remove method this is not the case when we use an iterator to do the removal for us
give two benefits that give an iterator its power and usefullness
describe the
this will return the character at the specified index of the string
the two outcomes of this are:
* The search succeeds after an indefinte number of iterations
* The search fails after the collection has been exhausted
both must be taken into account during the search and so the code may look as follows
Int index = 0 Boolean searching = True; While(searching && index < file.size())
what are the two outcomes of searching a collection and how might we express this in code
name 3 methods that an iterator will hold
these include:
1. hasNext()
2. next()
3. remove()
what are
class libraries
these are libraries that come with a programming language and contain hundreds or thousands of classes that have become useful to the language. In Java these classes are contained in what are called packages and are used in the same way we would use our own classes
name 4 methods of the ArrayList
these include:
* .add(object)
* .get(index)
* .remove(index)
* .size()
this will check whether the collection has a next element
note: important to use this before moving to the next element
describe the iterator method