Chapter 4: Functional Programming Flashcards
When we want to generate or supply values with no input.
Method name is get()
Consumer + BiConsumer
Do something with a parameter or two parameters but have no input.
Method name is accept.
Predicate + BiPredicate
Returns a boolean value (can be used in filtering and matching.
method name is test()
Can join predicates using .and()
Can negate predicate using .negate()
Function + BiFunction
Takes one parameter & returns another type. (Similar for Bifunction but taking two params and returning a type).
Method name is apply
UnaryOperator + BinaryOperator
Transforms one or two values into a single one of the same type.
Method name is apply
Returns optional.empty() if value is null
.orElse returns something else of SAME type
.orElseGet takes a supplier to return something of the same type
.orElseThrow takes a supplier to throw an exception
Stream min/max
Pass in a comparator, returns optional as no min/max could be found
Stream findAny
Finds any value (faster than findFirst if you’re using parallelStreams)
Stream reduce
Combines a stream into a single object. T reduce (T identity, BinaryOperator accumulator) Identity is the initial state/what is returned on empty stream and accumulator specifies how to merge with the next value.
T reduce (BinaryOperator accumulator) We can omit the identity if we want, but then it will return optional
<u> U reduce (identity, BiFunction, BinaryOperator)
Can be used for parralel streams
Or if we want to apply a function to an object in our stream before accumulating them.</u>
Stream collect
R collect (Supplier, BiConsumer, BiConsumer)
Supplier supplies a new object or collection which will store the value. This is a single container.
BiConsumer accumulates values in each container.
Other BiConsumer merges the results across all the containers
Note can also use a Collector to collect values.
Stream intermediate operations
limit(int max size) + skip(int n). Watch out for where .limit is used, x number of items needs to have passed that point.
flatMap(), flattens a stream of collections to a stream of objects. E.g. Stream> –> Stream
sorted() either uses natural order, or you can pass in a comparator
peek() takes in a consumer which allows us to. perform a Stream operation without changing the stream. peek musn’t change the state of the Stream or there will be an error! This can be used for printing out values in the stream, for example.
Generating a new Stream
Stream.generate(Supplier) or Stream.iteratore(start, function)
we need to limit this otherwise it will be an infinite stream..
Primitive streams
IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream.
Creating a new stream using IntStream.empty() or .of(…)
IntStream.range(lower, upper) generates values, upper is exclusive
IntStream.rangeClosed(lower, upper) generates values, upper is inclusive.
Mapping between primitive types of Stream
For each type of primitive stream you can map to another using the mapToX() method. E.g. mapToDouble converts to DoubleStream or mapToObj() maps to a standard stream. For each of these you need to provide a mapping function to indicate how to map to that data type. If you’re just mapping to itself e.g. using map() then you need a _UnaryOperator e.g. DoubleUnaryOperator. Otherwise you need a _To_Function e.g. LongToIntFunction. If you’re mapping to normal stream you need a _Function e.g. DoubleFunction. Note you may need to cast if you’re going from a larger to a smaller type so it will compile!