Chapter 4: Free Energy and Chemical Equilibria Flashcards
What is Gibbs free energy?
Gibbs Free Energy (G): It tells you whether a chemical reaction is likely to occur or not. If G is negative, the reaction is spontaneous and will proceed and head towards equilibrium. If G is positive, the reaction is not spontaneous and will not occur without an external energy source. ΔG = 0: The system is at equilibrium, and there is no net change.
In even simpler terms, you can think of Gibbs free energy as the “energy currency” of chemical reactions. If a reaction has a negative Gibbs free energy, it has enough energy “money” to happen on its own. If it has a positive Gibbs free energy, it doesn’t have enough energy “money” and won’t occur without a push (like adding heat or energy from another source).
measures the energy available to do work in a system AT CONSTANT TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE.
G = H - TS
What does equilibrium mean? come back to this
Equilibrium: When a reaction is at equilibrium, it means that the forward and reverse reactions are happening at the same rate, and there is no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products over time. At equilibrium, the Gibbs free energy change is zero. This implies that the system has reached a stable state, and no more work can be done.
When a reaction reaches equilibrium, it means that the system has the composition that minimizes Gibbs free energy, indicating that it’s stable.
At equilibrium: rate forward = rate reverse
When a chemical reaction reaches equilibrium at a constant temperature and pressure, the system has found a balance between the reactants and products.
What is Gibbs free energy?
Gibbs Free Energy (G): It tells you whether a chemical reaction is likely to occur or not. If G is negative, the reaction is spontaneous and will proceed and head towards equilibrium. If G is positive, the reaction is not spontaneous and will not occur without an external energy source. ΔG = 0: The system is at equilibrium, and there is no net change.
In even simpler terms, you can think of Gibbs free energy as the “energy currency” of chemical reactions. If a reaction has a negative Gibbs free energy, it has enough energy “money” to happen on its own. If it has a positive Gibbs free energy, it doesn’t have enough energy “money” and won’t occur without a push (like adding heat or energy from another source).
measures the energy available to do work in a system at constant temperature and pressure.
G = H - TS
What is Partial Molar Gibbs Free Energy?
a concept used in thermodynamics and chemistry to understand how the Gibbs free energy of a substance changes when a small amount of that substance is added to a system. The term “partial” is used because it focuses on the change in Gibbs free energy for a specific component or substance within a mixture, rather than the entire system.
chemical systems consist of multiple substances interacting with each other. When we’re interested in how one particular substance’s presence affects the overall Gibbs free energy of the system, we use the concept of partial molar quantities. Instead of looking at the entire system’s Gibbs free energy change, we isolate our analysis to a specific substance’s contribution.
Can only add a very small amount to barely change the rest of the system.
In summary, “partial” in partial molar Gibbs free energy indicates that we are focusing on the change in Gibbs free energy for a specific component within a mixture.
Has an Equation***
Why is Gibbs free energy important
Gibbs free energy (G) is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics because of its prevelance in chemical reactions. Chemical reactions in cells are driven by changes in Gibbs free energy. When the reaction ends in a decrease of G, the reaction can occur. (lower G in end products than starting). Change in G is the driving force behind chemical reactions. Chemical reactions need to have a decrease in G to occur spontaneously. All processes depends on if they are energetically favorable or not. (-) G means it is.
Gibbs free energy is a type of energy available to do work (perform tasks or drive processes in a system)
The partial molar Gibbs free energy of a species is often referred to as?
Its chemical potential (μ)
The chemical potential
is defined as the partial molar Gibbs free energy for reactions occurring at the common
biological conditions of constant temperature and pressure
What is chemical potential?
-Think of chemical potential as a measure of how much a substance “wants” to undergo a chemical change or reaction.
-If a substance has a higher chemical potential compared to others in the system, it means that it has a stronger “desire” to react or change. This suggests that, under the right conditions, it will tend to participate in a chemical reaction.
-Chemical potential provides insight into what drives chemical reactions. Substances with higher chemical potentials are like the eager participants in a reaction, and they will tend to react with other substances to lower their chemical potential and move toward a more stable state.
- chemical potential helps us understand which chemical reactions are likely to occur in a given set of conditions.
-Chemical potential (μ) is a way to quantify the “desire” of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction. Just like the ball on the hill wants to roll down, a substance with a higher chemical potential “wants” to undergo a chemical change or reaction.
-Chemical potential becomes more meaningful when we compare it to other substances in the same system. If Substance A has a higher chemical potential than Substance B, it means Substance A has a stronger “desire” or tendency to react or change compared to Substance B.
Driving Force for Reactions: In a chemical reaction, substances will tend to change in a way that reduces their chemical potential. It’s like the ball rolling down the hill to reduce its potential energy. Similarly, in chemistry, substances react to lower their chemical potential. This drive to lower chemical potential is what makes chemical reactions happen spontaneously.
Equilibrium: At equilibrium, the chemical potentials of all substances involved are equal. This means there’s no net “desire” for any substance to change further
If the reactants are at a higher overall chemical potential than the products, then
how will the reaction proceed?
The reaction will proceed spontaneously in the forward direction.
The chemical potential is invariably measured relative to what? How?
- to the standard chemical potential of the same substance under a chosen set of conditions, its standard
(its regularly compared to the standard chemical potential)(μ°)
Standard chemical potential is the chemical potential of a substance in its standard state. It represents the chemical potential of a substance under the conditions of the standard state.
the standard chemical potential is the chemical potential of a substance when it is in its standard state.
- By comparing the actual behavior of the substance (μ) to how it behaves in its standard chemical potential (μ°), we can see if it’s more or less eager to react or change in the current conditions.
Variables: We can express this difference (μ - μ°) in terms of variables we understand, like temperature, pressure (if it’s a gas), or concentration (if it’s a solute).
To understand the chemical potential (μ) of a substance, what do we do?
We compare it to it’s standard chemical potential (μ°). This reference state is like a baseline or a standard condition that we use for comparison.
- By comparing the actual behavior of the substance (μ) to how it behaves in its standard chemical potential (μ°), we can see if it’s more or less eager to react or change in the current conditions.
Variables: We can express this difference (μ - μ°) in terms of variables we understand, like temperature, pressure (if it’s a gas), or concentration (if it’s a solute).
represents the difference between the actual chemical potential (μ) of a substance under specific conditions and its standard state chemical potential (μ°)
What is a standard state?
The standard state refers to a specific set of conditions under which the thermodynamic properties of a substance are defined. These conditions are chosen as a reference point for comparing and understanding chemical reactions. For gases, the standard state is often 1 bar (standard atmospheric pressure) pressure. For solutes in solutions, it’s often 1 molar concentration. Standard state conditions also specify a particular temperature, which is typically 25°C (298.15 K)
How is the composition of a reaction at equilibrium determined ?
the specific composition at equilibrium is determined by the standard chemical potentials of the substances involved. In simpler terms, the balance between reactants and products at equilibrium is guided by the inherent tendencies of these substances to react, as indicated by their standard chemical potentials.
-The equilibrium composition of a chemical reaction is determined by the standard chemical potentials of the substances involved in the reaction. In other words, the conditions at which the Gibbs free energy is minimized, as indicated by these standard chemical potentials, define the composition of a reaction at equilibrium.
-Understanding the standard chemical potentials of substances involved in a reaction helps us determine the equilibrium composition of that reaction.
What is Le Châtelier’s Principle?
-This principle describes how a system at equilibrium responds to external changes, such as changes in temperature, pressure, or concentration. Understanding how these changes affect the chemical potentials of species helps in predicting the direction in which the equilibrium will shift.
-how perturbations (changes) to a chemical system affect the chemical potentials of the species
the specific composition at equilibrium is determined by the standard chemical potentials of the substances involved. In simpler terms, the balance between reactants and products at equilibrium is guided by the inherent tendencies of these substances to react, as indicated by their standard chemical potentials.
What are some practical applications of thermodynamic analysis discussed in the chapter?
(1) metabolic reactions in which chemical bonds are broken and new ones formed,
( 2 ) d i s s o c i a t i o n o f H
from acidic compounds and binding of H
t o b a s e s , ( 3 ) o x i d a t i o n –
reduction reactions in which electron transfer occurs, (4) interactions involving the aqueous
medium in which metabolites and ionic species occur in the cytoplasm or other biological
fluids, and (5) the assembly and disassembly of membranes and other multicomponent
cellular structures.
What are partial derivatives ?
changes in thermodynamic
quantities when one system
parameter is altered.
Chemical potential describes how much the free energy of a system changes when what changes?
When the number of moles of that substance (A) changes
Explain the chemical potential fo a substance A equation.
μ A =( ∂G / ∂nA) T,P,nj=/nA
The chemical potential of a substance (such as A) is defined as the partial molar Gibbs free energy of that substance under constant temperature (T) and pressure (p), when the quantities of all other chemicals (B, C, D, etc.) in the system remain constant. here the notation nj nA specifies that the molar quantities of all other chemicals
present in the system is also constant
the chemical potential of A depends on what?
Depends on what else is present. (composition of the system, represented by nj).
The presence of other substances influences this attractiveness
Understanding how the attractiveness (chemical potential) changes when you add or remove molecules (change the number of moles)
chemical potential vs chemical potential of pure A
For chemical potential, A is in a mixture with other substances.
For pureA, G m,A specifically applies to a scenario where only pure A is present in the system.
In an open system, the Gibbs free energy (G) is a function of?
temperature, pressure, and the number of moles of different chemical species (nA, nB, nC, nD).
What is total differential (dG)
It considers how Gibbs free energy changes concerning multiple variables simultaneously, such as temperature (
T), pressure (
P), and the number of moles of various substances (
It provides a complete picture of how Gibbs free energy is affected by changes in all these variables at once.
What is the sum rule/equation for for partial molar quantities?
The equation states that the total Gibbs free energy (G) of the system is equal to the sum of the products of the number of moles of each component (nA, nB, nC, and nD) and their respective chemical potentials (μA, μB, nC, and μD). This equation holds under constant temperature and pressure conditions.
G= nAμA, nBμB, nCμC, and nDμD
EXPLANATION: Starting with a System: Imagine a system containing small amounts of substances A, B, C, and D. You’re gradually adding infinitesimal amounts of these substances to the system, always in proportion to their existing amounts in the mixture. This ensures that the composition of the system remains the same as the quantities of A, B, C, and D increase.
Keeping Chemical Potentials Constant: During these additions, the chemical potentials of the components (mA, mB, mC, and mD) are kept constant. This means the system is being modified without changing the chemical potential of any component.
Integration of Gibbs Free Energy: By integrating the infinitesimal changes in Gibbs free energy (dG) with respect to the infinitesimal changes in the number of moles of each component (dnA, dnB, dnC, and dnD), the equation (4.4) is derived.
The total volume V of a system containing components A, B, C,
and D, for example, is equal to nAyA+nByB+nCyC+nDyD, where yA, yB, yC, and yD
are the partial molal volumes of the components.
dξ is what? Positive and negative dξ mean the reaction heads in which direction?
a measure of the extent of the reaction.
It’s a measure of how far the reaction has progressed from its initial state to its current state.
Positive dξ means dnA and dnB are negative and dnC and dnD are positive: the amounts of A and B are decreasing, and those of C and D are increasing and the reaction is proceeding from left to right.
Conversely, a
negative dξ means the reaction is proceeding from right to left.
As the reaction proceeds, the values of
dξ change, indicating the progress of the reaction. When
dξ is positive, it signifies that the reaction has proceeded in the forward direction (from left to right in the reaction equation), and when it’s negative, it means the reaction has proceeded in the reverse direction (from right to left in the reaction equation).
For a chemical reaction of the form
aA+bB⇌cC+dD, the extent of the reaction dξ could represent, for instance, the number of moles of A that have reacted (or products formed) up to a certain point in time.
The value (dG) is crucial because?
It determines the directionality of the reaction. If dG is negative, the reaction is spontaneous in the given direction.
the Gibbs free energy change (dG) for an ideal gas at constant temperature ?
btw Ideal gases are a theoretical concept in thermodynamics. These gases follow specific rules, making them simpler to study.