Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, The Basics Flashcards
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p53
What is fire service success?
The ability of the fire department organization to satisfy the physical demands and personal expectations of those they serve by adding value through aggressive education, prevention, and problem-solving efforts policy to the welfare of the people.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p55
Thompson keeps score, that is he tracks the metrics of the organization to determine how they’re doing. He notes wins don’t happen by mistake. What does it take to have a winning record?
A winning record requires leadership, coaching, and mentoring, the commitment to continual improvement, honest self-assessment, and constant feedback loop.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p55
What are triggers?
Triggers are things that we can control in the firehouse and on the fire ground that lead to emotional health issues or destructive behaviors. Examples include bullying, harassment, destructive peer pressure, isolation, and the stress that comes with the job. We have to identify the causes in the firehouse and recognize the signs from the emergency scene: fix a toxic organizational cultures before we can find a cure for the fire service.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p56
What problems do departments run into when trying to determine the common denominators that lead to success?
Objectivity quickly turns into subjectivity, and discovery turns to validation.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p57
What problem does Thompson have with the way other chiefs use success (low ISO PPC, completed accreditations, or establishing best practice programs)?
That none of these alone, or together guarantee success. Each is an achievement that positions the department, and hopefully each fire company, for success. But firefighters still have to successfully execute the policies, procedures, guidelines, systems, and best practices to be successful.
If an achievement doesn’t positively impact the organization on a company level, how much value does the achievement have in determining the overall success of the department?
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p59
What are the 16 qualities for a functional fire company?
Fire-ready Understands the job Never gives up on a problem Committed to duty Team oriented Insightful Operationally prepared Negates negativity Always alert Leaders intent is clear
Focused on the victim
Risk are managed
EMS proficient
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p60
How can people coming into your organization as well as people who have been in your organization for long amount of time help you evaluate the success of your department?
Those new to the organization have no point of reference for comparison.
Those that have been with your organization are the best positions to judge the effectiveness of the chosen culture. They are the ones who determine if the culture modifications work or not.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p60
Why must saving lives, protecting property, solving problems, and providing hope for some type of recovery be a part of the discussion when defining fire service success?
Because this provides each member something very important – purpose.
Providing purpose and a sense of belonging is essential for retention.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p60
What are the five positions that have the greatest influence on the organization?
- Chief of the department- establishes standards, provides vision, controls the money, has the final say.
- Training officer- develops relationship with each company, makes a job personal, builds confidence. If the chief doesn’t define operational philosophy training officer may have to do so.
- Battalion chief- influences multiple fire companies, sets the standard at the battalion level, promotes the Chiefs a vision, creates vision for the battalion.
- Company officer – provides vision at company level, to make the difference between success and failure, connects to the community, small group leadership, influence tactics, most connected to the greatest number of members.
- Senior member – institutional knowledge, trust of the troops, knows a job, can be a role model.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p61
What are the variables that can be controlled that lead to success?
– Updated policies, standards, systems – Positive public and political interactions – Minimal turnout time – Minimal zero impact. – Problem solved using sensible level of aggression – Attitude – Preparedness – Conduct quality daily training – Commit to a chosen culture – Culture is managed daily
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p61
What is a success is imminent message?
These are messages that rally the troops and get each member of the team focused on common goals and a desired outcome.
Often the message, or quote about what it takes to succeed, is written on the company assignment board at the beginning of each tour duty and communicated to the company during roll call.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p62
What does an inspiring success is imminent message do for the company officer?
It builds the team’s confidence in the officer. The company officers practicing leadership by using their successes immediate message to keep the company focused on what it takes to succeed.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p62
Common reasons why fire department organizations and fire companies don’t achieve success
- Don’t know what success looks like
- lack vision and success is imminent message
- lack 2 way trust between administration & operations
- lack of effective supervision from CO/courageous leadership from FC
- lack performance, behavior, supervisory standards
- failure to manage internal and external risk
- failure to develop people
- lacking quality training
- tolerance of incompetence
- wrong people in the wrong place
- failure to address small problems before they become big problems
- neglecting the people and culture of the organization
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p63
There are a lot of views of success, but why is it important to include stakeholders?
Because they will judge you by your performance, your reputation, or by the numbers.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p63
Dr. Carter author of “Position Your Fire Department for Success” states a successful fire department is one in which…
A successful fire department is one in which meets the needs of the community. Both actual and perceived. But you would be surprised at how many fire departments failed to satisfy their primary customer – the taxpayer.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p64
When it comes to the citizen what must we remember?
To the taxpayer success of the city is often what directly benefits them this is one of the reasons why it’s so important for fire companies to be rock stars on every call it doesn’t take much at all to provide a positive service experience and by doing so we increase our value by positioning ourselves to be viewed as one remaining exceptional service provider.
Our success is greatly determined by what people witness, what they read, what they hear, and how they feel.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p65
Results from the colonies citizen fire department expectation survey
What do you expect from your fire department?
– I want you here when I need you, quickly – save my life and the life of my family – protect my property from the fire – give me a sense of security – protect my quality of life – protect my investment – protect my employees jobs
Summary – Take care of people, Prevent problems, Solve problems, and Manage risk
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p65
How do elected officials view success?
Elected officials want to be responsive to their constituents.
Elected officials view success is getting the biggest bang for their budgetary buck while addressing as many of the voters requests as possible.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p65
How do you get elected officials to prioritize your needs
The more accurate the information that you provide your elected officials, the more prepared they will be to prioritize your needs.
It’s always advantageous to have dependable data to back up your claim.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p66
How do you illustrate the public officials the need for staffing?
All fires require that certain things be addressed to extinguish the fire.
Your capabilities will determine how quickly and how accurately you are able to address each of those things.
Adding one firefighter to a fire company increases your capabilities. Eliminating one firefighter is a limitation.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p66
How can fire departments convey value to elected officials?
Elected officials determine value using comparison with other municipalities, what they hear, what they see, and what they feel is right for the citizens.
Attending community events and they will see your value, deliver fantastic service and they will hear your value, share the company’s success in stress stories and they will feel your value.
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p66
How do city managers view success?
There are two ways to solve problems and create opportunity: spend money or lead.
City managers are very receptive to solutions that are achieved through leadership, management, and nontraditional practices. Leading through times of challenge builds trust and credibility
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p67
What is accomplished by defining success in selling that definition to elected officials and city leadership?
Fire chiefs are armed with specific indicators of success one of those being the number of functional fire companies.
Redefine how the fire department is viewed, and can expect money for the department
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p67
Members of the organization are going to have their individual views of what they believe that fire service success should look like.
Duty – organization is committed to saving lives in protecting property.
Title of firefighter – their ability to be what they believe a firefighter should be.
Learning – training, formal education, and professional development.
Community interaction – public education and community programs.
Brotherhood/sisterhood – firehouse environment
Promotional potential – ability to move up
Money – salary comparison with other fire departments being in their favor.
Doing nothing – no expectations or standards
Chapter 4: Fire Service Success, the Basics p68-70
Five common themes appear to represent modern thinking on what defines fire service success (how many ways are we can say the same shit)
- Fulfillment of the mission – fulfilling a mission there represents the expectation of the taxpayer. Having a clear understanding of what the taxpayer wants not just what you perceive they want.
- Meeting external standards – meeting standards that are developed for the fire department organization from outside the organization. External standards have value in the areas of risk management and addressing potential liabilities.
- Experience-based interpretation – you know it when you see it, and these departments success was based on past experiences- explain their success in their culture or climate as the indicator.
- Years of not failing – we are successful because this is the way we’ve been doing things for years departments. These departments never really experience an obvious catastrophic failure of their policies, practices, or systems they view this as successful.
- Curb appeal – firetrucks look good sitting in the station means the department must be successful.