Chapter 4 - Final Flashcards
What are the Acceptbutton and CancelButton?
AcceptButton - the program will carry out the event handler processing associated with the button if the user taps or clicks it or presses the enter button.
CancelButton - the user presses the esc key, the event handler processing will be executed for the button identified as the Cancel button.
Syntax/General format for declaring variables?
The declaration of a constant begins with the letters Const, not the letters Dim.
Const cdecPricePerDownload As Decimal = 0.99D
What are the prefixes for: String Integer Decimal Char Boolean Byte Date Long Short Single
str int dec dbl chr bln byt dtm lng shr sng
What is a variable scope?
It specifies where the variable can be referenced in a Visual Basic statement within the program.
Option Strict On statement
To prevent automatic conversion of values.
The process of joining two different values into a single string.