Chapter 4. Ethics Flashcards
A governments official act of granting permission to an individual, to do something that would be illegal in the absence of such permission
Unauthorized Practice of Law
The performance of actions by a legal authority, as constituting the “practice of law” w/o authorization to do so
Unauthorized Practice of Law
A disciplinary sanction in which an attorney is rebuked for misbehavior.
The mildest sanction for attorney misconduct, it is serious and cause damage to the attorney’s reputation in the legal community
A serious disciplinary sanction in which an attorney who has violated an ethical rule or a law.
They are prohibited from practicing law in the state for a specified or an indefinite period of time
A severe disciplinary sanction in which an attorneys license to practice law the state is revoked because of unethical or illegal conduct
Professional misconduct to exercise the part of a professional, such as an attorney or a physician
Doing something illegal professionally.
Money awarded as a remedy for a breach of some duty or violation of some right. Such as a tort.
To violate a legal duty by an act or a failure to act
Unified bar
Is a mandatory membership bar.
It is an established either by court rule or legislation.
Lawyers must join in order to practice law in that jurisdiction.
Wrongful act
A civic wrong not arising from a breach of contract, violation of a legal duty that causes harm to another
Third Party
A person or entity not directly involved in an agreement (such as a contract), legal processing (such as a lawsuit), or relationship (such as an attorney-client relationship).
Attorney-Client Privilege
A rule of evidence requiring that confidential communication between a client and his or her attorney be kept confidential, unless the client consents to disclosure
Professional relationship
Work product
An attorney’s mental impressions, conclusions, and legal theories regarding a case being prepared on behalf of a client.
Work product normally is regarded as privileged information.
Conflict of interest
A situation in which two or more duties or interests come into conflict, as when an attorney attempts to represent opposing parties in a legal dispute
Ethical Wall
Procedures used to create a screen around an attorney, a paralegal, or another member of a law firm to shield him or her from information about a case in which there is a conflict of interest
Conflicts check
A procedure for determining whether an agreement to represent a potential client will result in a conflict of interest
General Licensing
All individuals with a specific profession or group must meet licensing requirements imposed by the state in order to legally practice their profession
Involves establishing ethical or professional standards of behavior with which members of the group must comply
Indirect regulation of paralegals
Paralegal conduct is evaluated on the basis of standard and guidelines created by paralegal professional groups.