Chapter 4 - Conservation Abroad Flashcards
Define: Abiotic Factors
Physical factors such as light, temperature and water.
Define: Species
A group of organisms that resemble each other more than other organisms and naturally interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Define: Biotic Factors
Biological factors such as food and disease.
Define: Nutrient
Any chemical that is essential to an organisation for growth or for metabolic processes.
Define: Microclimate
A small area with a climate that is different from the surrounding area.
Define: Biomass
The total mass of living or recently living material in an area.
Define: Carbon Sequestration
Any process that is used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, such as afforestation or underground storage.
Define: Slash and Burn Farming
Farming in a forest where a clearing is created by burning and is farmed for a few years until nutrient depletion and weed growth cause it to be abandoned, as a new clearing is created elsewhere.
Define: LEDCs
Less Economically Developed Countries
Define: CITES
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of wild fauna and flora).
Define: Plankton
Organisms that drift in the surface layers of the sea or other water bodies.
Define: Symbiosis
A relationship between organisms of different species that live together. One benefits while the other species may benefit, be unaffected or suffer.
Define: No-Take Zone
An area where the catching or removal of species is banned e.g. areas where fishing is not allowed.
Define: Upwelling
An upwelling is where deep ocean water comes to the surface, often carrying nutrients and causing rich algal blooms.
Define: Albedo
A measure of the reflectivity of a surface. more reflectivity surfaces have higher albedos.