Chapter 4 Communicating For Success Flashcards
Communicating effectively with the purpose of the basis of for all long lasting relationships with clients and coworkers professionals need to build a strong relationship based on trust clarity and Welty I don’t to have a successful career and you must be able to verbalize her thoughts and ideas with clients colleagues and supervisors
Why study communicating for success
No matter where you work you will find some people harder to get along with then others it is not always possible to understand why people need even if you know them well do you think you understand what people want you cannot always satisfy their wishes this can lead to misunderstandings the ability to understand people is the key to operating effectively it in many professions it is especially important cause I told you were customer service essential to success
Human relations
Respond instead of reacting believe in yourself talk less listen more be attentive take your own temperature
Being skilled in human relations means
Communiqué from your heart and a smile is worth 1 million times more than a sneer is easy to make an enemy it is harder to keep her friend see what happens when you ask for help show people you care about listening to them and trying to understand their point of view complement people even if they are challenging or unpleasant for every service you do for others do not forget to do something for yourself laugh often show patients with others peoples flaws build shared goals be a team player in a partner to your clients alwaysremember that listening is the best relationship builder
The golden rules of human relations
The active successfully sharing information between two people is excess fully understood you can communicate through words voice inflections facial expressions and body language or visual tools
Effective communication
One of the most important counter she will have is the first time you meet a client be polite genuinely friendly and inviting in every way you communicate with the client you should keep in mind that your clients are coming to you for services in pain for your experience expertise with their hard-earned money this means you need to coordinate them every time they come to see you if not you may lose them to another stylist or salon
Meeting and greeting new clients
Oh and his approach the client with a smile on your face always introduce yourself set aside a few minutes to take new clients on a quick tour of the salon introduced client to people they may have interactions with while in the salon be yourself
To earn a clients trust and loyalty you should
Prior to sitting at your station every new client should fill out an intake form also called a client questionnaire consultation card this form can prove to be an extremely useful communication and business tool tool
Intake form
The client intake form can be used from the moment I knew client calls the salon to make an appointment when scheduling the appointment let the client know that you in the salon will require some information before you can begin the service and that it is important for her to arrive 15 minutes ahead of her appointment time to fill out a brief form also allowed time in your schedule to do a 5 to 50 minute client consultation
How to use the client intake form
Also known as neither assessment is the verbal communication with the client the determines the clients needs and how do achieve the desired results
Client consultation
Review the intake form access the clients current style determine the clients preferences analyze the clients hair reviewed the clients lifestyle show Intel suggest options may color recommendations discuss upkeep and maintenance review the consultation
10 step consultation method
Once the service was finishing a client let you know they are satisfied take a few minutes to record the results know anything you did that you might want to do again as well as anything that does not bear bear repeating also make note of the final results in any retail products of the client purchased we sure today your notes in file them in the proper place
Concluding the service
Tardy clients are a fact of life and every service interest industry because beauty professionals depend on appointments and scheduling to maximizing working hours equine is a really late for an appointment or one who is a habit I have bitch really late causes problems 130 client can set back your appointment calendar make you late for every other service that day the pressure involved and make is making up for the lost time takes it’s toll beyond being rushed and feeling harried you risk inconveniencing the rest of your clients who are prompt for their appointments no one benefits not you not the salon certainly not your clients when scheduling conflicts arise
Handling tardy clients
We are all human we all make mistakes chances are you have gone to that appointment only to discover that you were in the wrong place the wrong time the way you were treated at that moment determines whether you patronize the business again
Handling scheduling mixups
No matter how are you try to provide excellent service your clients once in a while you were in counter client who is dissatisfied remember the ultimate goal make the client happy enough to pay for the service and returned a salon in the future here are some guidelines try to find out why the client is unhappy if it is possible to change what she or he dislikes do it do so immediately if the problem cannot be fixed honestly and tactfully explain why never argue with a client do not hesitate to ask for help from a more experienced stylist confirm with your salon manager after the experience
Handling unhappy clients