Chapter 4 - Chemical Messengers Flashcards
Define Homeostasis.
Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment.
How is coordination achieved through the activities of the nervous system and the endocrine system?
- Nervous system - exerts control by the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the various tissues.
- Endocrine system - influences the activity of cells by the release of chemical messengers. (Hormones)
Homeostasis ensures that the fluid environment of the cells:
- contains the optimum concentration of nutrients, ions, gases and waters
- stays at a constant temperature - the optimum temperature for normal cell functioning
- is maintained at the optimum pressure
Is the maintenance of this steady state completely constant?
No, instead, there is a dynamic equilibrium in which the input and output of materials and energy are balanced.
What allows the maintenance of homeostasis to take place?
To compensate for those changes, the body must be able to both sense changes in the internal and external environment.
The nervous and endocrine systems are the main sensory and controlling body systems and, in the case of homeostasis, they operate through feedback systems, many of which involve negative feedback.
What is a feedback system?
A feedback system is a circular situation in which the body responds to a change, or stimulus, with the response altering the original stimulus.
What happens during a negative feedback system?
The response causes the stimulus, or variable, to change in a direction opposite to that of the original change.
Example of a negative feedback system.
- Blood glucose level falling
- Liver releases glucose into blood
- Blood glucose level rising
- Liver absorbs glucose from blood
Negative feedback systems are also known as?
Steady state control systems.
What are common features of cycles involved in Negative Feedback System?
- Stimulus - change in the environment that causes the system to operate.
- Receptor - detects change
- Modulator - a control centre responsible for processing information received from the receptor and for sending information to the effector.
- Effector - carries out a response counteracting the effect of the stimulus.
- Feedback - achieved because the original stimulus has been changed by the response.
What is the role of Exocrine glands?
They secrete into a duct that carries the secretion to the body surface or to one of the body cavities.
Eg. Sweat glands, mucous glands, salivary glands and the glands of the alimentary canal
What is the role of Endocrine glands?
They secrete hormones into the extracellular fluid that surrounds the cells that make up the gland. The secretion then usually passes into the capillaries to be transported by the blood. Endocrine glands are sometimes called ductless glands.
What are Hormones?
Hormones may be proteins, steroids or amines. They are transported throughout the body in the blood. A hormone may affect all the cells of the body or only particular groups of cells, target cells, or particular organs, target organs.
How do cells communicate?
Cells may communicate with other cells in the same tissue by secreting chemicals that diffuse to adjacent cells.
What are Paracrines?
They are sometimes know as local hormones. Paracrines are secreted by all cells in a particular tissue and move through the extracellular fluid. Hormones, however, are secreted only by specialized cells that are transported by the bloodstream.
How are hormones specific?
Hormones are only able to influence cells that have the correct receptor for the hormone. Saturation can also occur, once all receptor molecules are occupied by hormone molecules, the addition of more hormones does not produce any greater effect. (Same with protein receptors)
How do protein and amine hormones work?
They attach to receptor molecules on the membrane of the target cell. The combination if the hormone with the receptor causes a secondary messenger substance to diffuse through the cell and activate particular enzymes.
How do Steroid hormones work?
They enter target cells and combine with a receptor protein inside the cell. The receptor may be on the mitochondria, on other organelles or in the nucleus.
What does the hormone-receptor complex do?
They activate the genes controlling the formation of particular proteins.
How do hormones change the functioning of cells?
They change the type, activities or quantities of proteins produced. They are not enzymes, but in changing the activity of enzymes or by changing the concentration of enzymes.
Hormones may:
- activate certain genes in the nucleus so that a particular enzyme or structural protein is produced.
- change the shape or structure of an enzyme so that it is turned ‘on’ or ‘off’.
- change the rate of production of an enzyme or structural protein by changing the rate of transcription or translation during protein production.
What is enzyme amplification ?
The process of activating thousands of enzyme molecules through just one hormone.
One hormone molecule could trigger the production of more than a billion enzyme molecules. Thus, a very small stimulus can produce a very large effect.
How does Enzyme Amplification work?
The hormone triggers a cascading effect in which the number of reacting molecules involved is increased hundreds or thousands of times for each step along the metabolic pathway.
How does hormone clearance work?
Hormones are broken down. Some
are broken down in the target cells but most are broken down in the liver and kidneys. The degraded hormones are then excreted either in the bike or in the urine.
What regulates hormonal secretions?
Generally Negative feedback systems.
How is the hypothalamus involved in hormonal secretions?
Some negative feedback systems involve the nervous system as it requires the release of regulating factors from the hypothalamus of the brain.
What regulates the function or the pituitary gland?
The regulating factors that are release from the hypothalamus.
What is the main role of hypothalamus in hormonal secretion?
The hypothalamus can secrete releasing factors, which stimulate the release of a hormone, or inhibiting factors, which slow down the secretion of a hormone.
Where is the hypothalamus located?
The hypothalamus is located at the base of the brain.
Why is the hypothalamus so important?
This organ regulates many of the basic functions of the body, such as body temperature, water balance and heart rate. Many of its functions are carried out through the pituitary gland.
Where is the pituitary gland located?
•The pituitary gland or hypophysis lies just under the hypothalamus and is joined go the hypothalamus by a stalk called the infundibulum. It is not much bigger than a large pea, about 13 mm in diameter, but it is absolutely vital to the normal functioning of the body.
Describe the structure of the pituitary gland.
The pituitary consists of an anterior love and a posterior lobe, each of which functions separately.
Describe the anterior (front) lobe.
It has no nerves connecting it to the hypothalamus but it is connected to it by a complex network of blood vessels.