Chapter 4: Administering Parenteral Medications Flashcards
Localization of pus in ay part of the body
Acromion Process
an extension of the shoulder blade that can be felt at the point where the upper arm meets the shoulder; a landmark for locating the deltoid injection site.
thin and watery
to draw by suction; the process of pulling back on a syringe plunger to check for entry into a blood vessel during an injection
Hollow cylinder with graduated markings on it that makes up the body of a syring
Flared part of a syringe barrel; used to steady the syringe while pulling or pushing the plunger
Gauge (G)
diameter (width) of the lumen of a needle; the smaller the gauge number, the wider the lumen; selection of gauge depends on the viscosity of the solution to be injected
Gluteal Arteries
Large arteries that supply the muscle of the buttock area
Greater Trochanter
Knob on the upper leg bone (femur) that can be felt where the leg joins the hip; one of the landmarks used for locating the dorsolateral injection site
Broad part of an injection needle that attaches to the syringe
Iliac Crest
Highest point on the hip bone; one landmark used to locate the ventrolateral injection site
Hardening of a tissue caused by inflammation or edema
Intravenous Therapy
Administration of fluids, electrolytes, medications, blood, or nutrients through a vein
Hollow part of a needle through which medication flows
Death of tissue in a living body
Needle Cover
Protective cover on a disposable injection needle; never put it back on the needle after administration
Solid rod of a syringe that fits inside the barrel and pushes medication out under pressure
Solid particles that separate out from a solution as a result of a chemical reaction
the process of adding the recommended amount of fluid to dissolve; usually with a powdered drug
Sciatic Nerve
Largest nerve in the body; pierces the buttocks and runs down the back of the thighs
The long portion of a needle that extends from the point to the hub and through which the medication passes
Shedding of dead tissue from a wound or sore
Standard Precautions
Primary strategies for prevention of infection transmitted through blood, body fluid, nonintact skin, and mucous membranes
Device used to inject or withdraw fluids from the body; consists of a plunger, barrel, and hub
backing up of medication in the channel through which a needle enters tissue
thick and sticky