Chapter 4 Flashcards
Jungian therapists focus on all of the following except A. spiritual factors B. sexual roots of behavior C. cultural symbols or archetypes D. the collective unconscious
Training to become a psychoanalyst includes
A. five to ten years of intensive study
B. reading Freud’s original work
C. being patient for several years to work through personal issues
D. meeting with a supervising analyst and attending case seminars
E. all the above
The psychoanalyst's job is to strengthen the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as much as possible so it can do a more effective job helping the client live productively and happily A. id B. superego C. ego D. unconscious
Freud’s term “the id” refers to the part of the human personality that is
A. the seat of sexual and aggressive instincts
B. the seat of the unconscious
C. the seat of raw impulses and desires
D. all the above
Which statement best reflects current psychoanalytic theory about the psychosexual stages Freud proposed (such as the Oedipal stage)?
A. under- or over-satisfied needs during a stage in early development determine the adult personality
B. Freud’s ideas about psychosexual stages have been confirmed by modern research, and therefore continue to be influential
C. the themes and patterns of an adults’ life are thought to be related to early experiences with key attachment figures
D. clients can never be free from the influence of early patterns
What of the following is NOT true about the repetition compulsion?
A. a person sometimes recreates a difficult situation in order to try to master it
B. children engage in it
C. it is one way of keeping the drives in balance
D. it springs from Greek ideas about the grim reaper
According to psychoanalytic theory, ego defense mechanisms exist to
A. help the individual avoid the anxiety of a perceived threat
B. keep the individual from being overwhelmed in engulfment
C. keep the ego from overriding the id
D. keep the ego from overriding the superego
Which defense mechanism is being used in this example: In war, a mother receives word that her son has been killed, and yet refuses to believe it, still sets the table for him, and keeps his room and clothes current. A. repression B. regression C. denial D. projection E. rationalization
Sarah cannot remember attending her father's funeral which happened when she was five, even though family photos reveal that she was there. Which defense mechanism is operating to protect Sarah from this painful memory? A. rationalization B. repression C. projection D. denial
A person who behaves in a way that better fits a less mature stage is likely using which ego defense? A. fixation B. rationalization C. regression D. introjection E. reaction formation
Converting unacceptable or forbidden impulses into socially acceptable behavior is called A. sublimation B. projection C. sociopathy D. regression
The release of pent-up emotional energy is called A. orgasm B. homeostasis C. catharsis D. a nervous breakdown
In current psychoanalytic theory, the best therapeutic stance is
A. a caring demonstration of transference
B. providing logical rationalization
C. the enactment of countertransference
D. a non-judgemental, attentive, neutral presence
E. latent content analysis
Countertransference refers to the
A. non-rational reactions clients have toward their therapist
B. non-rational reactions therapists have toward their clients
C. non-rational projections oft he client
D. client’s need to be special in the therapist’s eyes
Which is NOT a symptom of countertransference A. strong emotional reactions B. engaged objectivity C. boredom D. impatience
The main difference between traditional and contemporary psychoanalytic therapy as it is practiced today
A. interpretations are used less and confrontations are used more
B. hysteria is now treated with both medications and hypnosis
C. tx has become briefer and more focused
D. sessions are no longer scheduled in 50-minute segments
Contemporary psychodynamic therapists do all of the following EXCEPT
A. use empirical outcome studies to ground tx strategies in addition to case studies and the collected works of Freud
B. borrow behavioral and cognitive strategies for specific presenting problems
C. interpret instinctual drives
D. examine the client’s characteristic defense mechanisms
Which is most true about the evidence base for contemporary psychodynamic practice?
A. many studies how that psychoanalysis is effective, particularly for diagnoses that are considered difficult to treat
B. it has proven impossible to conceptualize psychoanalytic concepts into measurable constructs, so studies on the efficacy of psychoanalysis have not been done
C. many studies have been done, proving that psychoanalysis is superior to other approaches
D. research has demonstrated that Freud’s ideas about the structure of consciousness (id, ego, and superego) have been reported by modern studies of neurology