Chapter 4 Flashcards
v. change slightly, fine-tune, modify
Do you adjust easily to change? For instance, how long does it take you to get over jet lag when you travel? Describe your most recent travel experience.
n. brains, mental ability, cleverness
How important is intelligence in achieving success? Why?
n. professional, worker
Would you like to be a health-care practitioner? Why or why not
v. take away, get rid of, eliminate
Do you think that students who speak their language in class should be removed from the classroom so that they do not disrupt others? Why or why not?
v. change, alter, convert
In what ways would you like to transform your life? Why?
n. philosophy, belief, principle
Which political ideology fits most closely with your own personal views: communism, capitalism, or socialism? Why?
adj. approved, certified, qualified
Are you a licensed driver? When did you get your license? Do you like driving? Why or why not?
v. control, normalize, adjust
Do you think genetically-modified foods should be regulated? For example, should they be labeled as such so that consumers know what they are buying?
v. reinstate, re-establish, bring back
What do you do when you need to restore your strength and energy? Why?
adv. noticeably, substantially, considerably
Do you believe your world view has changed, or would change, appreciably through international travel? Why or why not?
n. processor, laptop
What kind of computer do you have? Are you satisfied with it? Why or why not?
v. get rid of, do away with, remove
Do you work on eliminating negative thoughts from your mind? Are you able to do this? Why or why not?
adj. continuing, constant, unending
Describe an ongoing interest you have had since childhood. Why do you like this activity?
v. undo, turn around, turn back
Have you ever reversed an important decision you made? In other words, have you ever changed your mind about something? Explain.
n. calculation, totaling
Do you like performing mathematical computations? Why or why not?
n. information, facts, statistics
What kind of data do you store on your computer? What would you do if you lost all of the data on your computer hard drive?
adj. new, original, inventive
What innovative technological device do you appreciate most? Why?
adv. fundamentally, thoroughly, totally
What is radically different about your life today compared to five years ago? How did this change occur?
adj. unparalleled, first-time, unmatched
Is mastering a foreign language an unprecedented accomplishment in your family? Why or why not?
adj. conscious, knowledgeable
Are you aware of any really good restaurants close to your school? Do you like to dine out? Why or why not?
n. way of life, ethnicity, traditions
Which culture would you like to find out more about? Why?
n. chain of command, ranked group
Is there a hierarchy in your family? If so, who is at the top of the list? Where do you fit in? How do you feel about this?
adj. unbiased, neutral, detached
Do you think people in love can be objective about their partners? Why or why not?
v. rank in order of importance, value
Do you prioritize your daily activities by making a “to-do” list every morning? Why or why not?
n. inferior, assistant, underling
Would you rather be a supervisor or a subordinate? Why?
n. discussion, talk, conference
Would you like to have a private consultation with a career counselor to discuss your future plans? Why or why not?
v. comprise, make up
In your opinion, what constitutes a life well lived? Why?