Chapter 4, 7, & Theories of Intelligence Flashcards
What is Learning?
A relatively permanent change in behavior based on experience.
What is Classical Conditioning?
Involuntary Learning-Learning that just happen. Started with Pavlov’s Dogs!
What is Unconditioned Stimulus?
The thing we naturally respond to (food), and other things.
What is Unconditioned-Unlearn Response?
The natural response (salivating to food).
What is Conditioned-Learn Stimulus?
Previously neutral thing that we learn to respond to (bell).
What is Conditioned Response?
Learned Response (Salivating to bell).
_1st Example of Classical Conditioning _
We are classically conditioned to feel anxious in response to music in horror movies. This is because we associate music with the killer.
- What is the UCS-Unconditioned Stimulus?
- What is the UCR-Unconditioned Response?
- What is the CS-Conditioned Stimulus?
- What is the CR-Condtioned Response?
- The Killer
- Fear in the Killer
- Scary Music
- Fear in respond to the scary music because we know that the killer is coming
2nd Example of Classical Conditioning
Students were classically condioned to feel nervous every time they saw a folder because they associated it with a pop quiz.
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- pop quiz
- Fear or feeling nervous in the Quiz
- Folder
- Fear in responsd to the Folder
Professor was classically conditioned to panic when he smelled cigarette/ perfume combination because he associated it with ruthless teacher.
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- Screaming teacher
- Fear in Response to the ruthless teacher
- Smell of Cigarette/ Perfume
- Fear in respond to Cigarette, and Perfume
I classically condition students to duck everytime someone picks up a cellphone. How? Every time someone picks up a cellphone, I shoot the class with water.
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- Shooting the class with water
- Duck in respond to the water
- Cellphone
- Duck in respond to the Cellphone
Lil Albert is classically conditioned to cry every time he sees a White Rat because he associates it with a loud cymbal crash.
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- Loud Sound from the Cymbal
- Cry in respond to the Cymbal crash sound
- White Rat
- Cry in respond to White Rat
I was classically conditioned to feel angry every time I saw students in the hall because I associated them with the door being locked.
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- The lock door
- Angry and respond to Lock door
- Students in the hall
- Angry and respond to students in the hall
A Young man is classically conditioned to associate the sound of his father’s car motor with being beaten. Now he cringes every time he hears the sound of the motor/
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- Father being him
- Coward and Response to the beating
- The sound of the car motor
- The coward in response to the car motor
A woman sleeps with the television playing all night and naturally wakes up in response to the alarm clock at 7:05am. But since SpongeBob started coming on every morning at 7am, she has become classically conditioned to waked up in response to this show—because she associates the show with her alarm going off!
- What is the UCS?
- What is the UCR?
- What is the CS?
- What is the CR?
- The Loud Alarm Clock
- To wake up in respond to Alarm Clock
- SpongeBob
- Wake up in response to SpongeBob Squarepant show
What is Acquistion in the concept of Classical Conditioning?
This is how we make classical conditioning happen.