Chapter 4 Flashcards
What was the main economy of the New England Colonies?
Fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, and trade
What is the term for crops grown for export or sale?
Cash crops
What is the term for crops, especially grains, that are always in demand - they were grown in the Middle Colonies?
Staple crops
What is the term for crops grown for consumption by the family, rather than for sale?
Subsistence crops
What do we call products that are shipped to other countries?
This crop saved Jamestown from disaster and became the main crop in Virginia and North Carolina
This hard to grow crop was grown in South Carolina and Georgia and, with tobacco, led to an increase in slavery
The French and the British fought this war for control of North America. Although they were victorious, the war nearly bankrupted the British.
The French and Indian War
This set of laws regulated trade between Britain and the American colonies
The Navigation Acts
What is the name for the law making body of a country?
The legislature
(or the
legislative branch
of government)
What is the name of the legislature of Great Britain?
What land did the British and French fight the French and Indian War to gain control of ?
The Ohio River Valley/ the French territory west of the Appalachian Mountains
What is the name of the treaty that ended the French and Indian War?
The Treaty of Paris (1763)
What land did France lose to Britain as a result of the French and Indian War?
All the land east of the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River became the new border of British territory in North America.
What is the main reason that Britain believed it needed to tax its American colonies?
The British wanted the colonies to help to pay for the debts it had from the French and Indian War
These laws controlled what products could be imported into America, and to whom Americans could sell their raw materials.
The Navigation Acts