Chapter 4 Flashcards
What are attitudes?
People’s evaluations of aspects of the social world.
What is an attitude object?
The thing an attitude is about.
What are ambivalent attitudes?
Attitudes that are mixed, being both positive and negative.
What are values?
Enduring beliefs about important aspects of life that go beyond specific situations.
What are the 10 universal values?
Self-direction, universalism, benevolence, conformity, tradition, security, power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation.
What are ideologies?
Interrelated and widely shared sets of beliefs that typically relate to social or political contexts.
What is the tripartite model of attitudes?
A model of the structure of attitudes which assumed that attitudes have three components: cognitive, affective (emotional) and behavioural.
What is attitude complexity?
The number of dimensions along which an attitude object is evaluated.
What is attitude function?
The study of why people have attitudes.
What is a schema?
A cognitive structure that represents information about a concept, its attributes and its relationship to other concepts.
What are the functions of attitudes?
Knowledge, utilitarianism, value expression, ego defense.
What is the mere exposure effect?
The more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more we tend to like it.
What is social learning?
People acquire their attitudes (as well as behaviours) often from others.
What is subliminal conditioning?
Classical conditioning that occurs outside the learner’s conscious awareness.
What is observational learning?
Individuals’ attitudes (and behaviours) are influenced by observing others.