Chapter 4+5 Flashcards
neutral term can be used to refer to any kind of system that people employ for communication. (e.g. language, dialect, variety)
use of different language varieties in same community (societal multilingualism) or situation (individual multilingualism)
–> the result of situations of language contact
paradox of multilingualism
- Elite multilingualism: socially advantageous, involving prestigious languages that are learnt outside home.
- Plebeian/immigrant multilingualism: often stigmatised, arises due to migration
what are contexts for language contact?
- urbanisation/migration
- trade, commerce, or other economic motivations
- growing up in different area from family
- mixed relationships/marriages
- seasonal work
- education (including religious education)
- radio, television, internet
- war and conquests
language maintenance
linguistic groups maintain their languages with varying degrees of bi-/multilingualism
language shift
language is lost as a community shifts to a different language, usually with greater dominance
etholinguistic vitality (ELV)
likelihood that a given language will be transmitted inter-generationally (from parents to children)
Have to consider 3 things:
1. status: economic, historical, social
2. territorial distribution+concentration together with its population demographics (e.g. birth rates, marriage patterns, migration etc)
3. institutional support/lack thereof–> formally (media, education etc) and less formally (workplace, religious, social etc)
languages with low ELV associated with:
- language shift
- immigrant language loss within 3 generations is typical
- language death
linguistic landscape
the visibility and salience of a language on public and commercial signs in a given territory. (e.g. public road signs, advertising billboards, streetnames etc)
Functions of (multilingual) linguistic sign
- informational
–> marks territory inhabited by language community
–> conveys that language can be used for communication - symbolic
–> conveys that a group has gained institutional control
–> absence of a language may lead to lobby for inclusion - Purpose of having multilingual signs:
–> increasing reach (communicative)
–> identity marker (symbolic)
–> profiling strategy (commercial)
ideology of normative monolingualism
notion that the ideal speaker of a language is a monolingual speaker of that language and that this is what we should all aspire to be.
Reflected in statement like:
bilingual speakers are less comptetent speakers oftheur languages than those who grow up monolingualy
speaker alternate between two or more codes during the same communicative event (can be languages, dialects etc)
–> a natural consequence of language contact
monoglossic ideology
belief that languages should be kept seperate in their use–> multilingual discourse is not considered acceptable
pluralist ideology/pluralism
belief all ways (or multiple ways) of speaking (and being) are valued
multilingual discourse
term used to describe the use of linguistic elements from more than one variety in a conversation or text
Term includes code-switching, crossing etc.
intersentential code-switching
one sentence in one language and another sentence in another language
intrasentential code-switching
use of more than one language within the same sentence
code-switching allows speaker to:
- assert power
- establish authority
- declare solidarity
- get attention
- express humour or anger
- indicate one’s level of education
- express multiple aspects of linguistic identity
- indicate neutrality etc
particular settings and the activities associated with those settings (e.g. home, the market, classroom, government docuements etc.)
–> the domain you are in can effect language choice
situation involving 2 distinct codes/varieties that serve different functions and are used in different domains
High Variety (H)–> used in public life (education, government, legal system etc)
Low variety (L) –> used for private/informal social domains and is learned at home or informal settings