Chapter 4 Flashcards
Rotation speed in no wind is?
Take off visual reference is?
Spinner on, or slightly below the horizon.
On static takeoff, before taking off you must advance the PCL to?
Clear down
the RWY and advance the PCL to 25 to 30 percent torque
When should you check the engine instruments after you advance the PCL to MAX?
approximately 3 seconds after PCL reaches MAX
True or false.
When a
crosswind is present, deflect the control stick in the direction of the crosswind component
to keep the upwind wing from lifting
If gusty winds are present, increase rotation speed by _____________________
the gust factor (up to 10-knot increase).
After becoming airborne, climb airspeed is?
Accelerate to climb airspeed (140 to 180 KIAS).
After becoming airborne, pitch is?
As required to fly desired airspeed (normally 10 to 15 degrees).
Before turning after takeoff, attain a minimum of___________
140 KIAS and 400 feet above ground level (AGL),
or per local directives, before the first turn after takeoff. The 400-foot restriction does not apply
to the VFR pattern.
A climb attitude of 12.5 degrees NH results in a climb
gradient of approximately___________
1,000 feet per nautical mile (NM), or what is referred to as a
1:1 ratio
The standard method to achieve a smooth level-off is to use
a lead point that is approximately_____________
10 percent of the VSI