Chapter 4 Flashcards
the degree to which evidence supports the accuracy of test-based inferences/interpretations about students
content standard
knowledge and skills students are supposed to learn
decision based on what results say
what the results tell us
Content-related evidence of validity
evidence indicating that an assessment instrument suitably reflects the content domain it is supposed to represent
Criterion-related evidence of validity
evidence demonstrating the systematic relationship of test scores on a predictor test to a predicted criterion variable
Construct-related evidence of validity
empirical evidence that 1) supports the posited existence of a hypothetical construct and 2) indicates an assessment device does measure that construct
Intervention Study
hypothesize students will behave differently on assessment after intervention
Differential population study
hypothesize students from different, distinct populations will behave differently on assessments
Related measurers study
hypothesize scores on assessment will be related to scores on similar assessments
Face Validity
appearance of an assessment; not a true type of valid evidence
Consequential validity
information about the consequences of assessment used
Relationship between reliability and validity
cannot be valid unless reliable; reliable isn’t necessarily valid (not guaranteed)