Chapter 4 Flashcards
Designing Studies
ask EVERY member of a population
the part of the population
selection of a subset of individuals from within a population to estimate characteristics of the whole population
Simple Random Sample (SRS)
each individual has an equal chance of being selected, each possible sample has an equal chance of being selected
Stratified Sampling
each strata contain similar individuals, there are large differences between the strata. Choose a SRS in each strata to form the full sample
Cluster Sampling
Divide the whole population into small groups that mirror the population (clusters). Choose a SRS of the clusters. All individuals in selected clusters are sampled.
convenience sampling
target the easiest individuals to reach (not random)
Voluntary Response Sampling
people choose to respond to the question themselves
Random sampling error (sampling error)
you collected a SRS but by accident your sample ends up not being very random
Undercoverage (sampling error)
a segment of the population is left out of the sample
Non-Response (non-sampling error)
A person is chosen to be in the sample but is unavailable, won’t respond
Response Bias (non-sampling error)
A person in the sample gives an incorrect or untrue response
Wording (non-sampling error)
wording of questions are confusing or leading/loaded
observational study
observes individuals but does not try to influence the response, cannot establish cause and effecte
imposes a treatment, the determine whether the treatment causes a change in response
experimental design
good experimental design can prevent lurking variables influencing the response variable and have a confounding effect on your results
completely randomized design
randomly assign subjects to groups, randomly assign treatments
randomized block design
experimental units are separated into blocks. different treatments are randomly assigned to each block. Compare the results within the blocks and between the blocks
match pair design
a type of randomized block design. Use blocks of 2, a pair of subjects or two treatments applied to the same person
a fake treatment, but subjects may think it the placebo has an effect.
double blind
neither the subjects or people who interact with them know which treatment the subject recieved