Chapter 4 Flashcards
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread and reinforcement of a cultural trait from a position of power or authority to those with less power or authority
A subtype of diffusion in which a trait spreads outward from its hearth while remaining strong in the original location through hierarchical , contagious or stimulus patterns
Contagious diffusion
The rapid and expansive spread of a cultural trait
Stimulus diffusion
When one cultural tapir emerges out of another
Cultural convergence
The adoption of a culture or cultural trait by people who live away from its Hearth
When people migrate to another country, the immigrant will adopt aspects of the new culture And add the new trait to the traits of their home culture
When a “weaker” culture adopts traits from a dominant culture
Two cultures that have equal influence of each other without the same effects of acculturation or assimilation
Cultural extinction
Obliteration of an entire culture by war, acculturation or any combination of the three
S curve
The shape that shows that rate at which cultural traits are adopted
Someone who introduces a new cultural trait
Early adopter
Someone who adopts a new cultural trait early in the diffusion process
Late adopter
Someone who resists the spread of a new cultural trait
The spread and subsequent adoption of a cultural trait across many cultures and countries
Cultural imperialism
When a one cultural system from another part of the world invades and dominates a local cultural system
Cultural divergence (cultural nationalism)
When a group of people resists the influence of a particular cultural system
The fear of alien people and cultures
Perceptual region/vernacular region
Area with boundaries that are defined by cultural trait or beliefs, attitudes and opinions.
A repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that it becomes a characteristic of the group
Folk culture
Culture that is predicted by small homogenous groups living in an isolated area
A repetitive act performed by an individual
Popular culture
Culture that is practiced by large heterogeneous groups over a large area
Refusal to dat particular plants or animals that are thought to embody negative forces in the environment
The contribution of a locations distinctive physical features on the way a food testes
The shape that reflects the rate of adoption of a new cultural trait
Cultural landscape (built environment)
Tangible result of a human groups interaction with its environment
Sequent occupance
Theory that a place is occupied by different groups of people, each group leaving an imprint on the place from which the next group learns
Cultural determinism
Humans WILL overcome the restrictions of the local environment through the use of technology
Cultural trait
A single attribute of culture (bowing or shaking hands)
Nonmaterial culture
Cultural traits that are intangible such as beliefs and attitudes
Culture complex/ cultural realm
The combination of all cultural traits
Culture system t
Incorporate variations in cultural traits, while recognizing similarities
Cultural hearth
Places where important ideas began and from which they spread
Relocation diffusion
The spread of cultural traits through the movement of people
Migrant diffusion
A type of relocation diffusion where the influence of a culture only lasts a short time
Maladaptive diffusion
Adoption of a diffusing trait that is impractical for a region or culture
Distance decay
The deceased influence of a culture or cultural trait the further the distance from its hearth
Spatial diffusion
Spread of any phenomenon across space and time. Cultural diffusion is a form if spatial diffusion in which cultural phenomena diffuse