Chapter 4 Flashcards
Science of study of tissues
examination of cells and tissues to help in diagnosis
a medical procedure that involves taking a small sample of body tissue so it can be examined under a microscope.
Main types of body tissues
Cell junction types
tight junction
gap junction
type of junction that prevents the passage of substances between cells
Tight junction
a dense layer of protien in the adherens junction that atteaches both to membrane proteins and to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton
transmembrane glycoprotein that join the cells in adherens junctions
difference between the plaque in desmoeses and the plaque ni adhern
in desmoses the plaque is attached to intermediate filaments (keratin)
in adherns cell junction the plaque is attached to microfilaments
General Function of epithelial tissues
protection, filtration, secretion, absorbtion and exertion
they combine with nervous tissue to form special organs for smell hearing, vision and touch
epithelial tissue surfaces
apical surface
lateral surface
basal surface
epithelial face that faces the body surface, a cavity or any internal space
apical surface
faces the adjacent cells on either side
may contain tight junctions, adherens, desmoses and gap juction
Lateral surface
deepest layer of the epithelial cells
basal surface
types of basement membrane
1) Basal Lamina ( made by epithelial)
2) Reticular Lamina (made by connective tissue
basement membrane that has proteins as collagen produced by fibroblasts
Reticular Lamina
epithelial tissues are classified according to layers according to
epithelial tissues are classified according to shape as
Location of Simple Squamous epithelial tissues
1) Endothelium that lines the cardiovascular and lymphatic system
2) Mesothelium that forms the epithelial layer of serous membrane
3) In airsacs of lungs, bowman’s capsule of kidneys and inner surface of lympanic membrane ( eardrum )
Function of simple squamous tissue
Filtration (in kidney)
diffusion (oxygen into blood vessels of lungs)
secretion ( in serous membrane )
single layer of flat cells that looks like tiled floor when viewed from apical surface
Simple Squamous tissue
Single layer of cube shaped cells, with centrally located nucleus
Simple cuboidal epithelial tissue
Location of Simple cuboidal epithelial tissue
Surface of ovary
Surface of capsule of lense of the eye
lines kidney tubules
posterior surface of retina of eye
thryoid gladns and some ducts in the pancreas
Function of simple cuboidal tissue
secretion and absorbtion
single layer of column like cells
the nuclei is oval near the base of the cell containing epithelial cells iwth microvilli at the apical surface and goblet cells
simple Non ciliated columnar
Location of simple Non ciliated columnar
Lines gastrointestinal tract
lines ducts of many glands and gallbladder
function of simple Non ciliated columnar
Secretion and absorbtion
secretion lubricates linings of digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts and most of the urinary tract
help in keeping the lining of the stomach safe from the acidic gastric juice
single layer of cilated column like cells with oval nuclei near base of cells with goblet cells scattered
Simple cilated columnar tissues
Location of Simple cilated columnar tissues
lines bronchioles of the respiratory tract
fellopin tubes
paranasal sinuses
central canal of spinal cord
ventricles of brain
functions of Simple cilated columnar tissues
1) the cilia moves mucus and foriegn particles towards throat where they can be coughed out
2) cilia also helps in moving oocytes from ovaries through fallopian tubes to the uterus