Chapter 4 Flashcards
What are the 2 major types of studies?
Experiments and non-experimental designs
What can a research idea be broken into?
a set of variables
What is a variable?
any event, situation, behaviour or individual characteristic that varies - that is, can differ in some way (e.g. quantity, size degree)
things that vary (between people), things that can have more than one value.
What properties will variables have?
true numeric, or quantitative, properties or meanings
What will psychological variables have?
at least 2 specific levels or values
What is an example of a categorical variable?
nationality. They are different but they do not differ in amount or quantity.
How are relationships studied in the non-experimental method? What might this include?
by measuring or observing the variables of interest
This could include asking people the describe their behaviour, directly observing their behaviour, recording physiological responses, or examining publicly available information. Once data on both variables are collected, the researchers use statistics to determine whether there is a relationship between them.
What is the non-experimental method?
measuring variables to determine whether they are related to one another; also called the correlation method.
How does the measure of variables under the experimental method contrast to the non-experimental method?
non-experimental methods that measure al the variables of interest the experimental method involves direct manipulation of one variable, control of several other variables (those not of interest), and then measurement of an outcome variable (hypothetically affected by the manipulated variable)
What implications do the differences between experimental and non-experimental methods have?
impact the types of conclusions we can draw from the results
What is the experimental method?
a method that tries to determine if variables are causally related, by manipulating one variable (the independent variable), controlling all other variables, and then measuring the effect on some outcome (the dependent variable)
what is operationalization?
definition of a variable that specifies the operation used to measure or manipulate it within a specific study; also known as an operational definition
What are the three general categories for variables?(broad, not associated with values)
- a situational variable
- a response variable
- a participant variable
What is a situational variable?
a characteristic of some event or environment external to a participant, to which they are exposed
What is an example of a situational variable?
length of a passage being read, the number of people around you when writing a test, the credibility of a person trying to persuade you, or different instructions on what to focus on when recalling an event.
How do situational variables apply to each design type?
situational variables can be measured in any design or manipulated in experimental designs.
What is a response variable?
A participant’s reaction to some event
What are examples of response variables?
reaction time in response to a stimulus, performance on a cognitive task, and emotional reactions
How do response variables apply to each design type?
response variables can be measured in either experimental or non-experimental designs
What is a participant variable?
a pre-existing characteristic or aspect of a person that is of interest
What are examples of participant variables?
cultural background, age, intelligence, and personality traits (ex: extraversion).
How do participant variables apply to each design type?
sometimes participant variables are related to other variables in non-experiments, and sometimes they are used to group participants for comparison on some response variable.
Why must variables be operationalized?
so that they can be studied empirically
What is a prediction in the context of operationalization?
a prediction is a statement of the hypothesis that has been translated into the specific operationalization pf the particular study
What do researchers have to do with operationalized variables? Why?
they must describe precisely how they operationalize all variables and argue why there operationalization is appropriate
These details help other researchers evaluate the study, and also potentially attempt to replicate the study.
What is ensuring that operationalizations are precise crucial for?
making claims about these variables
What happens if our operationalization captures more than just the variable of interest?
it makes it difficult or impossible to interpret the results of research
What are confounding variables?
Variables that are not of interest, but are uncontrolled or impossible to separate from the variable of interest , and that can also explain the pattern of results. These confounds make interpreting the results difficult or impossible, as we do not know what is responsible for an effect or association.
When can confounds occur?
confounds can occur for variables that are merely measured, but also in experiments when an independent variable is not manipulated in a precise way
What do researchers need to do to address confounds? Why?
when measuring variables, researchers must try to anticipate potential confounds and measure them as well, in order to rule them out statistically
How do researchers decide a method for operationalizing a variable?
based on the particular problem under study, the goals of the researxh, and other considerations such as ethics and cost
What does our best understanding of a variable involve?
studying it using a variety of operationalizations
What does a typical non-experimental design allow u to predict?
covariation between variables also known as the correlational method
What are correlational methods?
methods in which variables are observed but not manipulated
What should we not confuse correlational methods with?
correlational statistic which can be calculated for both experimental and non-experimental designs.
What do correlational designs allow us to consider?
many different kinds of relationships between variables
What are the 4 most common relationships found in research?
- the positive linear relationship
- the negative linear relationship
- the curvilinear relationship
- when there is no relationship between variables
What is the mediated relationship? What is this often used to describe?
describes how the relationship between 2 variables can be explained via a third variable
- often used to describe psychological processes