Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is perception and sensation?
It is the awareness, identification, organization, and interpretation of stimuli received by the senses.
What’s the purpose of perception and sensation?
It enables people to make sense of and give meaning to their experiences.
What is sensation?
It is a physiological process, of how people become aware of what is happening inside and outside their bodies through stimuli.
What are stimuli?
It is the energy we receive through our five senses.
What is perception?
It is a psychological process, of how people understand or give
meaning to sensations.
How does the process of perception and sensation take place?
In one unified information-processing system.
What is visual perception?
It is the uniqueness of what every person sees based on their cognition, experiences, and knowledge.
What are the perceptual laws and factors that determine a perceptual organization?
Form Perception.
Depth & Spacial Perception.
Perceptual Constancy.
Perception Of Movement.
Visual Illusions.
What is form perception?
It is how people organize visual elements into meaningful wholes.
What is Gestalt’s law of perception?
People organize visual stimuli into figure dimensions.
What are the 7 laws of Gestalt?
Common Fate.
What is depth or spatial perception?
It is how our brain interprets the distances and positions of objects in the world around us, helping us understand how close or far things are from us.
What do we interpret objects out of?
Depth dimensions.
What are some monocular cues?
Size cues.
Height cues.
Study the rest.
What are some binocular cues?
Retinal disparity.
What is perceptual constancy?
It is what allows people to change and move around from known to unknown situations and still perceive many things as stable and the same.
What are some visual constancies used to explain stable visual perception?
Size constancy
Shape constancy
Brightness constancy
Colour constancy
Location constancy
What is the perception of movement?
It is an area where visual perception is sometimes inconsistent, because information from the retina and eye muscles may play
tricks on people.
What are the types of perception movement?
Real Movement.
Apparent movement.
Stroboscopic movement.
Auto-kinetic illusion.
Induced movement.
What are visual or optical illusions?
It is the difference between the appearance of visual stimuli and physical reality.
What are physical illusions?
They are illusions caused by real stimulus attributes.
What are induced illusions?
It is when people experience something that does not happen.
What are optical illusions?
They are illusions that are caused by stimuli playing tricks on the mind, leading to inaccurate perceptions.
What are the attributes of the perceiver?
Subjectively influenced characteristics by stimuli.
In short (Characteristics that influence subjectivity)
Examples include:
What are the attributes of the perceiver?
These are the factors and influences from the environment that impact what is perceived.
In short( Characteristics of what is being received.)
Examples include:
Physical properties.
What is person perception, interpersonal or social perception?
It is a perceptual process that takes place during interaction and communication between people in many situations.
What is impression formation?
It is the process of obtaining and processing information and giving meaning to perceptions.
What are the factors that affect impression formation?
Cognitive schemata.
Perceptual Distortions.
What is cognitive schemata?
It is a mental framework that helps us organize and interpret information. It is a mental representation of how we think the world works.
What are perceptual distortions?
They are errors in how we perceive the world around us.
What causes these perceptual distortions?
The primary effect.
Physical appearance.
The Halo Effect.
The Contrast Effect.
What is the primary effect?
It is the tendency for early information to be considered more
important than later information.
Examples of the primary effect include:
Confirmation bias.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
What is attribution in perception?
It is how people make judgments about
the causes of their own
and others’ behavior.
What is internal attribution?
It is something within a person that we observe, like a personality.
What is external attribution?
It is something that is caused by something outside the person we observe, like a situation.
What are the 3 sources of information used in the nature of attribution?
What are some attribution errors that are caused due to perceptual distortions?
Fundamental attribution error.
Actor-observer effect.
Defensive attribution bias.
Self-serving bias.
The just-world hypothesis.
What are some methods to enhance impression formation?
Self-enhancing behaviors.
Enhancing other people and organizations.
What are some self-enhancing behaviors?
Improving one’s physical appearance.
Emphasize positive aspects.
Avoid indicating faults.
How can one enhance other people and organizations?
By being:
Open and Honest.
Being Involved.
Make others feel good.
Be personal with other people.