CHAPTER 4 Flashcards
What is the first step in the risk managemnt process
Effective risk identification
Whatis risk mangment within an org
Not a separate unit but
Its an integral to and indivisibl from strateguc and operatonal managemnt
When examining risk information what is the first informaton we need
We need a list of risks, and arrange them in some order of importance
What risks do we need to identify
Thise that affect our organisation , and we need to identify as many of those risks as possible, the more risk we identify the better prepared we can be
How will a risk department need to identify risks
They need to identify in a logical and cost effective manner
What are the internal intelligence sources to enable us to identify risks
right accross our organisation
Apart from personnel associated with audit and complaince function, what are other roles that may have managment of risk considered to be part of their role
-design engineers
-facilities manager
-project managers
-legal offiers
-product development manager
-company secretary
How will a formal meeting be recorded
The outcome of a formal meeting will be recorded in a document known as minutes
What will a properly written minutes allow
It will allow people absent from the meeting to learn about key decisions or activities that were made
What is a committee
A nominated group of people holding meetings for a particular reason
Whic department shall be involved in all committes that discuss risk
The risk department
What will a board risk subcommittee be authorised to fulfill
They will be authorised to fulfil baord responsibilities regarding risk
What is the purpose of an audit subcommittee
The purpose is to stand back from the organisaion’s functional executives and take a view on the behaviour of its manages and effectiveness of business controls
As the audit committee is discussing strategic risk controls what should the risk department do
The risk department should either be present or at the very least be required to report on the risk eposures to the committee
What will bring benefits to both audit subcommitte and risk department
Cooperation and goof relation ship
What are some examples of useful documents for risk information
-Proposal papers
-Auditors repots
-Insurance documents
-Proceudres manuals
-Historic risk reports
What are proposal papers
These are documents produced to support request for approvl
What do proposal papers set out
They set out background information leading to the request and the implication of its approval, predicted benefits will empasized and investment needed wil lbe detailed, They might highlight risks involved
What are auditors reports
These are douments recording the findings of audit activity
What are large organisations required by law
in terms of auditing
They are required to have an annual financial audit by a qualified external accountant
Some of regulatory authorities within UK financial services look at audit as
As evidence of goon managment contorl
apart from financial audits, what are other types of audits
- Quality audits
- Audits to ensure conformance with written working proedures
Non financial ausits are internally authorised by
-Senior Managers
-The board
What is the purpose of audit
The purpose is to check that proper output is bing produced, ir being accurate financial information of ull specification product
Auditor’s report comments on
The reliability of procedures, checks and control and may higlighy unnecessary risk for managemnt attention
What confidence do audits give
They give directors confidence that they can trust information presented to them and a measure of probability that planned outcomes will be achieved
What is the policy schedule
This is a place where the policy is made personal and specific to the insured
What details does thepolciy schedule have
-Insured’s name
-Insured’s address
-Policy period
-Detail of the subject matter
-Sums insured or limit of liability
-Territorial limits
-Policy numner
-Reference to specia excluson/condition/aspet of cover
What do syrveys assist with
in insurance
They make comments about exposures and may include recommendaton to improve the control of risk
What are procedures manual
These are documents that set out procedures and methods to be followed by personnel working on various areas
Why should risk department take detailed interest in procedures manuals
This is because this is where procedureal risk management is implemented
Who will maintain records of individual risks
-Individual managers
-Risk Deparment
Why do most organisation keep record in databases
They do so to make use of serch facilities and for ease of record retrieval
Why is database separate from documents
This is becasue database implies continuos updated information sources, and documents are essentialy snapshots reports associated with a specific date
What are some externa sources of information available to identify risks in many different areas
-Gov’t org or org’s linked to the govt
-B’ness and professiona institutions
-Insurers and related orgs
-Emergency ervices
-Newspapers and Magazines
-Company reports
Gov’t orgs and orgs linked to gov’t ublish a wide selection of material that concentrate on
They usually concentrate on general risk information of interest to multiple orgs or general information on speific risk categories
Business and professional institutions publish useful information on
They publish on best practice, standards, audits, managment and governance issues. They also contain,hold surveys and pblish ase studies of topicl corporate incients
Insurers keep records of
They keep records of historical claims and more than happy to discuss individual claim files ad lessons to be leant from incidents that gave rise to claims
What do insurers also publish
They publish general risk related materials including research findings
Why are loss data sharing consortia common in financia institutions
They are common as they help reduce operational risk
What is Operational RIsk Consortium(ORIC)
This is a quality controlled loss database to support risk managment activities for insurers
The Operational RIsk Consortium(ORIC) hold informaton on
It hold info on operational riski.e losses due to failed peopleprocesses/systems/eternal events
The Operational RIsk Consortium(ORIC) aims to improve
It aims to improve the risk measurement and modelling skills of its members
Emergency services provide information on
It provides info on risk and trends in risk
What do consultants range from
They range from knowledgeable individuals with special skills to subsdiaries of insurers or brokers and global corporations with vast resources and contacts
What do consultants bring to a project
They bring focused, current information, specialist skils or additional resources to a project
Employing consultant should be subject to
subject to a stringent cost benefit asessment as this is a risk itself. More particularly focused on contract terms determining responsility for detrimenta outomes after using information or following their advise
What is the advantage of conferences
They have a way of bringing together people intersted in specialist subjects in a non-confrontiona environment
What are ways of collecting internal information
-A tour
-Automatic information gathering
-Collecting information from documents
what is a time well spent for ay risk professional
A tour of an org
An efficient organisation tour should inclue
-visits to various shop floors
- interviews wih key operational and faciltiies managers
- Get to know as many as you can and try to make them your frientds