Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is welfare economics?
- the study of how allocation of resources affects economics well-being
What is Subjective and objective well-being?
- subjective well-being describes people evaluating own happiness
- objective well-being descirbes using indicators for the quality of life, developed by researchers
What is Allocative Efificiency?
- resource allocation where the value of the output by sellers matches the value placed on that output by buyers
- optimal distribution of goofd or services, consumer preferences taken into account
- buyers/ sellers get benefits from taking part in the market
How can we determine the consumer surplus?
buyers willingness to pay - amount he actually pays
Is the allocation of resources determined by free markets in any way desirable?
- in theory, free markets tend to not have long term vast shortages and surpluses
- consumers and producers change their behaviour which moves the market to equilibrium because of incentives
What is a bargaining process?
- finding an agreed outcome between two interested and competing agents
- price can be seen as bargaining tool
What is the General Equilibrium?
- it is the notion that the decisions and choices of economic agents are coordinated across markets
- market mechanism lead to efficient outcomes
- consumers are maximizing utility and producers are maximizing profits at minimum average cost
How can we deal with watse?
- find a way to re-allocate resources to reduce that waste
- consumers adjusting buying habits and producers adjusting production methods
What is the social suprlus?
sum of all consumer and producer surplus
What is Pareto efficiency?
- no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off
What is….
- an efficient outcome?
- an inefficient outcome?
- an outcome is efficient if we cannot find a universally, non-harmful way to re-allocate
- an outcome is inefficient if we can find a way!
finding the way would be a Pareto improvement
we can re-allocate until such an improvement is no longer possible and maximung social welfare is reached
What does the “Invsisible Hand” do?
- re-allocate and adjust consumers and producers behaviour to maximize social welfare
- guides managers to pursue self-interst which leads to most efficient outcomes
What makes a total surplus in a market?
the total area between suppy and deand curves up to the point of equilibrium
What is the definition of Efficiency?
- the property of a resource allocation of maximizing the total surplus received by all members of society
Three insights concerning market outcomes…
- free markets allocate the supply of goods to the buyers who value them the most highly as measured by their willingeness to pay
- free markets allocate the demand for goods to the sellers who can produce them at the least cost
- free markets produce the quantity of goods that maximizes the sum of consumer and producer surplus