Chapter 4 Flashcards
What is the house like that Thaddeus Sholto lives in?
Luxurious and exotic.
What was Major Sholto afraid of?
Men with wooden legs.
What were Captain Morstan and Major Sholto arguing
How to share the treasure.
How did Captain Morstan die?
He had a heart attack.
What did Major Sholto and his servant do with Captain
Morstan’s body?
They hid it
What was Major Sholto going to tell his sons Thaddeus and Bartholomew Sholto before he died?
Where the rest of the treasure was.
What startled Major Sholto causing him to die?
A mysterious face at the window.
Why did Thaddeus arrange for the pearls to be sent to
Miss Mary Morstan?
As an apology for the fact his father had denied her a share in the treasure.
What technique does Doyle use to tell us about Major
Sholto’s story?
Why do Holmes, Watson, Morstan and Thaddeus Sholto plan to travel to Pondicherry Lodge?
To demand Miss Morstan’s share of the treasure