Chapter 4 Flashcards
el/la abuelo/a
the grandpa/grandma
el/la cuñado/a
the brother/sister in-law
el/la esposo/a
the husband/wife
el/la hermanastro/a
the stepbrother/sister
el/la hermano/a
the brother/sister
el/la hijo/a
the son/daugther
la madrastra
the stepmother
la madre
the mother
el/la nieto/a
the grandson/granddaughter
el/la niño/a
the child
el/la novio/a
the boyfriend/girlfriend
la nuera
the daughter-in-law
el padrastro
the stepfather
el padre
the father
el/la perro/a
the dog
el/la primo/a
the cousin
el/la sobrino/a
the nephew/niece
el/la suegro/a
the father-in-law/mother-in-law
el/la tío/a
the uncle/aunt
el yerno
the son-in-law
almorzar (ue)
to have lunch
costar (ue)
to cost
dormir (ue)
to sleep
empezar (ie)
to begin
encontrar (ue)
to find
entender (ie)
to understand
to earn
jugar (ue) a
to play
to spend (time)
pedir (i)
to ask for, to request
pensar (ie) en
to think (about)
pensar (ie) + infinitive
to plan (to do something)